@TrjnRabbit: A post that's full of metaphors instead of puns? Bah, you're just trying to Bison time for the next attack. Rekka I ken do better than that.
@TrjnRabbit: A post that's full of metaphors instead of puns? Bah, you're just trying to Bison time for the next attack. Rekka I ken do better than that.
Took me a moment to decipher the "Ever wonder want was insane" sentence. It's "Ever wonder what was inside", right?
@Komrade Kayce: It's been a kong time coming. Would be krool of them to hold it back any more.
@JesusDeSaad: Yyyyyeah, you're not going to buy the new Nintendo handheld anytime soon. Maybe next handheld generation, but by that point I'm guessing your expectations will be higher still.
The Trouble With Tribblenauts.
@ToiletNinjas: Scribblenauts: Electric Boogaloo.
@chewblaha: I think you're expecting loo much out of him... He's already done an acsepticable job. Any further punnage should be left to his excretion.
@N-Robes: Pretty much! Although HK-47's everlasting fleshbag snark could work for a LucasArts-style graphic adventure where the main character's purpose is simply to comment on the proceedings. A bit like Sam & Max, you know... They're fairly one-note as far as characters go, but the fun comes from the situations…
@jayislost: You might enjoy GTA: Chinatown Wars for the DS... It's a return to old-school GTA along with a lot of the new stuff. Playing through the game, I was actually surprised when it ended, because the game puts an emphasis on messing around and having fun rather than trying to tell a GTA4-style story.
@Silent Predator fell on bad days: Yeah, I got a way into Till The End Of Time, and just gave up on it. It has its fun moments, but it's also got way too many annoyances, and the dungeons are tiresome. I wound up just reading up on the rest of the rather dull story, heard about the plot twist, and had no urge to…
@Gelver Aragon: Ah, but the devil's in the details... The Wiimote clearly looks SLIGHTLY less like a sex toy than the Move.
@PuffyTail: No one, really, but Crecente always has some contrived excuse as to why he had to go. I don't know what similarity you're talking about, though... Those face tattoos COMPLETELY change his appearance!
If one considers how much consoles with certain paintjobs are also going for, this doesn't seem that horrible.
@madog: That's more like a cliffhanger.
Once more, online fighting games show this trait, too. So many players finding the most abusable crap they can, and sticking with it because they get points when they win. And just as often, when their flowchart tactics don't work, they quit out of the match, because oh my god! Losing makes you not get the most…
@AlucardsQuest: Speaking as someone who got drawn into Final Fantasy 12 enough to spend about a hundred hours on it... Tastes differ!
@Ossidiana: So I take it you consider Doom (the first one) and Call of Duty: Modern Warfare to be too similar?
@chozo_hybrid: Pretty much because this genre is pretty much dead on consoles. When gamemakers consider the Transformers on a console, they always pick the safe option, i.e. a third-person shooter.
But is it actually any more than a cumbersome chat interface?
@SeuLunga: Metal Gear Solid 4 and LittleBigPlanet were my reasons back then. I still have too many games to play to start thinking of getting a 360.