Mr.Nice Guy

He totally went there! haha

Well done.

Brilliant idea! This would be my last phone if it was real.

I haven't play any Half Life game but if I did, I'm sure I'd be like many of their fans. Come on Valve give the people want they want already. You could charge them through the roof and they'd still pay.

I agree with you 100%, sir.

Why can't you guys just be happy for this guy and his accomplishments instead of bitching about how he did it or who he didn't give credit to. Losing weight is hard.

I watched this and thought it would be cool, but it was not cool AT ALL.

Got my code!

Just waiting on my code...

When the Guardian speaks, he sounds like Nathan Fillion.

I will always like the Xbox controller better because of the position of the analog sticks. I just never got use to the PS3 controller, my thumbs felt out of place when playing on it, so when I did play the PS3 I had a Pro Elite controller because the sticks were positioned just like the Xbox controller.

Thanks for this info, Jason! I tried this site and switched my internet to a vacant channel and my internet got a whole 5mbps faster! I was at 15 and now I'm at 20 :D

All these Xbox One burn gifs I'm seeing are SO delightful :D

Nobody like you. Just log off.

Nice burn.


I agree with you sir, MS got completely owned, lol.

Haha, nice post dude :)

I fear that you are correct, sir. After reading IGN's article just now the PS4 is sounding better and better. I thought their details on privacy would soften the blow that they delivered at their conference but nooooooo, I still think the Xbox One sounds like a bad buy.

I always used September 5th 1942 but now that I'm actually 18+ I use my real birthday.