
eyes too

Ah ok, that makes more sense now. I guess I'd have to actually play the game to get it.

Excuse my ignorance. I've seen this reference 2 times now and I don't understand it. O_O

But it's still more work relatve to just plugging in your XB controller haha.

Well then, good job!

It's a little more than that.

This is actually not too bad, but drop the kimchi and the room is done.

This and also it looks like they're asking for this a bit early.

You'd be surprised O_O

Megaman X (Go for the Hadoken, when the time is right you'll understand), Megaman X5 (ZERO!!), Megaman Legends (for variety, different perspective), and Mega Man Battle Network (guilty pleasure.. )

"Video games and the stuff gamers love."

Haha same here, you had to bring a ticket to the room of treasure. Top 10 best kid experiences.

You bring up great points. Testing this thing would be interesting, but because of the black box concept there are measures to minimize the test bed, such as device and hardware standards and reference designs. What I'm referring to is, if people want to buy a device with interchangeable parts, engineers, supply chain

Mmm you got me there buddy. -_- Who am I kidding we can replace a man's heart, eyes, liver, and various other organs; but a production quality breadboard with a similar concept to FPGA's ? Nah no way that can work.

It's the high level concept you should appreciate. If the market wants this to happen, then it shall.

How did they get the aerial shot?

6. Always Save

I'm getting this game because of this GIF HAHA

It stuns them letting you close some distance and get a superior position. Same reason you throw bricks at clickers.

We played around with this in video game writing class. We figured out that if you don't curse, the conversation sounds awkward, but if you put in too much, it just sounds overdone. I think in this case it fits because, lets face it she probably grew up with people running away from zombies screaming shit, fuck,