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Folks, THIS is how you sing God Bless America

I don't want it to be super powerful. The same reasons I haven't gone force induction with my car, I just need some power to get out of the corners properly.

I never found it to be a good Halo car, because for me, the halo cars are about showing the public your company isn't quite what they think. Ford's GT got people thinking about Ford perfomance instead of Ford blandness and Firestone.

If you ever get the chance to ride in a convertible at night, try tilting the seat back and focus on the stars while you're moving. It freaks me the hell out for what I'm sure are the same reasons you don't like flying.

Perhaps they should make the system into an Oculus Rift sort of thing, where the people that want it have it, and those who don't can avoid it.

Agreed. I wanted so much to like it, but it was awful. The acting was bad, the casting was so so, the story was meh, and the cinematography was terrible at best. The only redeeming quality to the movie was the noise that Chevy made, and it was sparse through the film. It's the only car movie I've ever seen that I

Absolutely agree. The whole "black enough" issue is enormously wide spread, and the root of so many problems in the African American communities. Kids that have incredible potential fall victim to that harassment all the time, and never achieve the things they could have.

Inflation gets you to 31,500. And 6 grand for suspension? You could get an entirely new suspension and then some for that. A set of coilovers and some control arms make the suspension quite great for a live axle car. For that matter, with 6 grand, you could swap in an IRS from a cobra, and still have plenty left over.

A new one is, sure, but mine wasn't anywhere near that when it was brand new. In fact, looking at the prices, my GT would be less than an FRS. I'll give you the difference of a decade to factor, but still, the car is just underpowered grossly.

The twistiest section of road we have in town. Handled corners well, didn't have enough power to get out of the corners like it should have been able to.

Totally agree on points 1&2, and you're definitely right about 3&4. Customer cars would be great for a few seasons, give new teams a chance at making some Bernie money before having the super high expenses of their own programs.

Probably a Jezebel commenter.

Upton will be gone. If they can sucker someone into taking him with a trade, he'll be Uggla'd. He's the most worthless player they've had in a looong time. Can't hit, can't sacrifice, can't bunt (where he could use the only thing he does have: some speed), doesn't have much of an arm, not a good defensive player,

Please go to the Braves, please go to the Braves, please go to the Braves.....

I have the strangest boner right now.

I drive a well built Mustang. Just the right mods to keep it fun. With some mods (slight suspension, major power) the toyobaru's could be great fun, I just didn't feel, in stock form, inspired by the car.

Very much this. I was underwhelmed by the experience I had driving one.

I sure hope some enthusiasts buy it. The only track in my area to start with doesn't need to go away for some crappy homes.

C.J. you rock! Not only for ordering a non standard color, and for actually driving it, but also for writing about it here. The only thing more I could ask for is that you find your way into a Braves uniform! Thanks for being open to us!

So coach was Ataman(t) that this behavior stop?