Which is why I never see a show for the first time on TV. I'll catch it on the interwebs somewhere first.
Which is why I never see a show for the first time on TV. I'll catch it on the interwebs somewhere first.
That looks quite fun!
That is incredible! Leaves me with two questions though...it's call Trinity pt 2...so where's part 1, and where's the to be continued portion of this? I gotsta have it!
That was fantastic and to the point! Loved it. Tried to name them all, and even shortening the names to just "Bond Flick" I still couldn't keep up! I'm glad there were only 3-4 I didn't recognize. Makes the car guy and cine-file in me quite happy!
I really don't recall having seen any video of this thing in action. Anyone got an especially good one?
They don't feel especially fast either. Funny thing for me is when people ride in my 04 Mustang GT. Family members have cars with more power, but they feel like mine is the fastest because of the noise and rumble.
Really? I didn't know they'd handle that kind of power. I drove an AWD SHO and was shocked at how quick it was for a car that size. The only thing I've driven that shocked me more was a Volvo S60R that had had some serious mods done. It was so fast it had me laughing. Despite the sales guy telling me it was stock, I…
Glickenhaus is the damn man! Plus I love the fact that he's actually active in the auto community. He's posted here from time to time, and responds to comments and ideas left by people on his Facebook page. The dude rocks and I'd love to meet him someday!
Great idea to limit visits, but not by the catcher. They've got to change signs and whatnot several times a game, so that's nonsense. I like the time limits, but how strict they'll be held onto is a tricky proposition. And I definitely don't like not throwing 4 pitches for a walk, definitely a chance (albeit a rare…
What do you expect to happen? With the way voting is now, you've got to put up as many points as you realistically can when playing an FCS school. Sure you can with with a final score of 35-21, but voters look down on that. They're going to notice a final of 70-10 much more.
From what I've seen, those engines are pretty close to their limits to begin with. Even some parts and tuning only net 20-30hp, and it's pretty maxed out with the stock engine components.
"Prepare your lasagna holes" may be one of the best things I've ever read!
If I had some disposable money, I'd already have this car. Seriously, I know it'll probably break, and it very well may be expensive to repair, but hell, you've got $100k car for next to nothing, and when it's running right, you'll forget all about the repair bills! This would be a fun damn toy to have around for the…
Would that make them Saudi's in Audi's?
Agree, looks like it's pouting about something. And way too much going on!
Torn ACL, one leg, and still beats Prince Fielder around the bases by 20 seconds!
I'm sure he's not rich now. Any fool can make money with a lucky break here and there, but wealthy people work hard to keep it. Most millionaires look nothing like what you'd expect. They don't wear fancy jewels and clothes, and have super fancy cars. Their money is tied up in their investments, and they look mostly…
Absolutely incorrect for modern word processors. It was true for typewriters because the space used for a space between two sentences was the same as the width for a normal letter so it was difficult to read, hence two spaces. The spaces used in modern programs like MS Word are different sizes, much easier to read,…
I bought some at Sams a few years back when I first moved into my apartment. They're the best towels I've ever used, and were reasonably priced too.
I can't imagine a ground take off being safe. You could fall as the article mentions, or even worse, get 100 feet off the ground, have something go wrong, and then there's nothing you can do, parachutes won't open that fast.