
it's surface rust, not structural. It's perfectly normal on bare metal parts. A quick minute with some sandpaper and it'd be back to perfectly normal.

At least she was only embarrassed in front of the 14 people in the stands, 3 ushers, 2 concession stand workers, and the 1 person in the entirety of Houston that can watch Astros games on TV.

Eh, who am I kidding, he probably wasn't watching, and neither was anyone else. It's the Astros!

"Lots of times that goal can be accomplished with a simple pleasant conversation."

Absolutely. I met a cop at Tail of the Dragon that was sensible about such things. He knew people came there (with their money) to have a bit of fun. His stance was as long as you're not crossing lines and doing ridiculous speed (in other words, in control of your car) he's not going to bother anyone. I was especially

Love the video, but a third of it is credits? Give me a break!

Even decapitated, the heads and bodies can move for several hours later. If you kill a poisonous snake, be sure to bury it so noone gets hurt.

A bleach bath for the boys? Yeah...I'm going to have to stand on "NO". I live in the south and spend a fair amount of time outdoors when the heat and humidity are just ridiculous to live with. Swamp ass is quite prevalent. However, I've found that wearing the right pair of underwear will aleviate a big problem with

Some of my best automotive memories were in that thing. Be it driving home from school loaded up with friends, pulling friends from ditches, or just cruising around with my dad. Love it.

I've been glad a couple times I had a few more inches in the wheelbase. But you can turn around in the middle of the road!

Was never a day I drove it to HS when I didn't leave with it full of girls! But no, they definitely didn't want to drive. Funny thing is, before I got my license, I was letting a female friend of mine take me home in her 90ish Wrangler, and she ended up spinning it around backwards and backing into a ditch, haha!

Yeah, they're a bitch to drive, get no mileage, and are quite dangerous. However, I very much enjoy taking the top and doors off it and going for a drive. Women also like it too, which is always fun!

I've got an 84 CJ-7 that is frankly just demanding of your full attention while driving. It's a lot of fun, but you better be concentrating. Tall tires + small wheelbase + wonky steering + Jeep suspension = Challenging.

My god that interior is amazing! I wish more modern cars had options for color leather interior.

You must be new to seeing, because I have no idea what you watched. Rosbergs front tire was by Hamiltons rear tire. He didn't have position, and should have backed out then if not tried for a crossover move of some sort. I'm as far from new to racing as it's possible to be. They're both on the racing line because of

N-1's FTL! The Russians had a hell of a bad time trying to get something Moon-worthy going

Why should Hamilton have left room for Rosberg who shouldn't have been there? Rosberg barely gets to the rear axle on Hamilton's car going into the corner, he should have backed off slid in behind and tried again. No excuse in stupidity of that level, that early in the race, between "teammates". Everytime for the rest

Hamilton has been ruthless, but he's had to be. He's had dreadful luck throughout the season and had to do what he can to even stay close. Even when something happens to Rosberg he still ends up on the podium.

You are clearly mixing up the two drivers. Rosberg is always the one wanting people to just move over. That was Hamilton's line, the racing line, Rosberg had no business putting his nose in there, especially not at that point of the race.

It was a sketch movie called "Movie 43" Pretty funny film.

It might, they're down to the wear markers and real thin on the insides