
Or was he referring to Ocarina? I wouldn't necessarily agree with that, by the way.

I'm glad you've produced proof that there aren't too many video game composers. This is something that has needed to be proven for too long. The debate is finally over.

There's a difference between GTA "taking" something from Saint's Row and a fan-made mod.

The "G" stands for "graphics." I will never pronounce it like "jif".

Correction: MGS4's PREMISE summarized in one minute.

"It also appears to focus on a lady with all the balance of Lucille Austero."

This is a gif of Lucille Austero from Arrested Development, who suffers from vertigo. She frequently gets dizzy and has trouble staying on her feet, as illustrated in this gif.

This is what the last line of the article was referencing.

As an AC player: Who. The fuck. Cares.

Why the fuck did I read this

"I wouldn't, but!"

ACK! The grammar part of my brain just ruptured!

Which is the girlfriend? The gloved or glove-less one?

Ash and I bear the same family name. He's my bro.

You forgot the "off-topic" tag

Of anyone you could have gone with... you choose Bayonetta. She's not nearly as iconic as the others. No thanks.

This game needs more BOOSTER GOLD

Also included in the game: Black Adam, Killer Frost, Ares, and Lobo as the first DLC character. I don't think people asking "who?" is a big concern.

One of the most confusing sentences I've ever read: "The good doctor then calls Tony, but J.A.R.V.I.S., the A.I. butler, answers."

I do not know who said that.

... you know this is just Mortal Kombat 9 with the DLC already included, right? It's the same as a GOTY edition. If you have the DLC characters along with a standard MK9, you own the Komplete Edition. This is not an upgrade.

This isn't Capcom. They release DLC characters over time, which is fine. Capcom is the company who releases the "super-hyper-whatever-dingus-turbo" edition that they try to pawn off as a new game when it's the same game with a few tweaks.


Link to the Past is not analogous to these sequels whatsoever. No one anticipated a direct continuation of that game, because most new Zeldas begin with a new ("new") storyline. This is like saying "hey man, about time they made a prequel to Adventure of Link!! What took so long??"