
That is so awesome! Want!!

I like how this just confims what we all know, that you're paying to beta test. And yes, I own an iPhone...

I'm with you. I don't know why I don't just switch. In the town I live in(which is moderately sized), we don't even have 3G coverage, while a few towns away(and smaller I might add) they have 4G with Verizon. WTF!?

I would pay good money for that!!

I can't tell you how many times this has happened to me...

Yes...I want it! Please...

Glad it's not just me. I tried a few methods I found on a few sites that included recalibrating the home button, but it still gives me trouble. Maybe they'll fix it in the next update.

Is this a new extension of my favorite ride, The Line Ride?

I saved it as a wallpaper on my work computer!

Since I updated to 5.01 my home button is acting screwly. Sometimes I have to mash it several times to close an app, and the double click is only working about half the time I try it. Anyone else having this issue? I looked it up and it seems people have had issues like this before now, but mine seemed to start with

Thats amazing!! Even if he going off a picture, thats still pretty impressive..

Wow! That's actually cool...

Ah, good catch...I hadn't noticed it was less blurred, but now I see it. Hmmmmm...

True, it does happen. So who knows. But, I'm not sure I would have seen the demon face were it not for the outline provided.

Really? Guess I need to look into that. Some of the prices guides I'd seen before had it priced pretty good...

We see patterns in everything, especially faces. I doubt this was intentional..

I know what you mean. I got out of comics for a long because of all the company wide crossovers. I'm slowly getting back in, but more collecting back isses of titles I always meant to read but never got into.

They are indeed. Spawn #1 is going for quite abit..

This is kind of amazing to me. Just how they sticthed all the pics together. Really cool.

Well..glad you were able to get it. :)