
Well duh I can tell you why ;) <—-the wink means don't take me seriously

Depends, is it compatible with Game Boy Camera?

Ah I misread it as Disneyworld. Keep forgetting about the "other Disney park".

They don't have an Agrabah themed area? (That's Aladdin's home for the uninitiated.)

*Looks at last picture*

God, I really hope Microsoft gets this right. I respect the direction they're going and am intrigued by their Windows 8 ecosystem. If they can give me a nice in-house WP8 handset as well, I may just jump ship from iOS.

Fair enough.

Your analogy is awesome and I shall use it forever!

That's because we'd happily pay Apple more money than to our own government.

But in their defense, they had only 17 days to recoup the $1.2 billion they spent on the rights to air the Olympics, which I may add, paid for a big chunk of the Olympics.

It's not too sad when you see they're trying to recoup the $1.2 billion they spent for the rights to air the Olympics in only 17 days. And that the $1.2 billion paid for a big chunk of the Olympics itself.

True but BBC is government funded, so really you were paying for the coverage whether you were watching it or not.

I'll paste my reply:

As a commenter pointed out, you can't really blame them considering how much they paid for the rights. In exchange for unprecedented coverage, they had to hit people with commercials to offset the $1.2 billion price tag in only 17 days.

Well put. Couldn't agree more.

Don't know who this thing appeals to. All I can picture is a night full of "Ouch!" and "Wait, wait, wait, get off that hurts!".

I fail to see where all the NBC hate is coming from considering they gave us free tools to watch nearly every event on practically any device that gets an internet connection.

By remembering that it's only sexual harassment if the offender is ugly ;)

Would've been better if you said "Nothing will come between me and free vibrators." ;)

*looks at Lady Gaga*