
I couldn't agree more. I actually have alot of the same feelings that you've expressed above, but in regards to DLC in general. For example, I just listed my copy of Skyrim on, because I want to sell it while I can still get a good price for it . . . because I'll inevitably want the GoTY edition whenever it

You're not a horrible person. Satoshi Urushihara has been around for a long time. He's got a very distinct style. Alot of celebrated anime and manga artists also have done adult works. One of my favorite artists, Masami Obari, who did the Fatal Fury anime, is also pretty famous for his hentai.

That's exactly my approach. I don't buy nearly as many collector's editions as I used to. Actually I find that the games that I care about most simply make their collector's editions the default for early adopters. I'm thinking most immediately about how all Dark Souls preorders were limited edition cases. Next

Yeah. They were most certainly trailblazers. They were one of the earliest publishers to push English translated, voiced dialogue in Western versions of Japanese games as well, when it would have been easier and cheaper to simply subtitle. I still remember having the voiced cutscenes in Popful Mail on the Sega CD

Amen. I really can't throw my money at Atlus fast enough. I still can't believe they didn't pick up the reins on Grand Knights History.

No doubt about it. But I don't see anything wrong with celebrating or criticizing the various packages that publishers make available to us as well.

I loved the demo of that game, actually. I was and am just too poor to get it right now. Catherine has a high spot on my Amazon wishlist. One day . . .

I just miss the days when a collector's edition was something special. These days, 90% of any major release is going to get one. Back in the days of PS2 and PSX, there were a handful of companies who did special box sets. It was a major event when it happened. The sad part is, Skyrim, with its plastic sculpture is

I think that most of Square's hesitance to release Type-O in the states has alot to do with the game being on 2 UMDs. There's been rumblings for a while about a Vita version in the West to bypass that issue. I wouldn't be surprised if we hear more about it during that FF 25th anniversary conference that's been

My preorder's been paid off since April. I cannot wait for this game.

This is all wonderful news. I really didn't phrase my initial question right, but you managed to answer what I WANTED to ask anyway. :)

Glad to hear it.

I haven't gotten to play the beta, so many may already know this, so please excuse me if I'm asking something that's common knowledge at this point.

Ys is also a throwback to a simpler time where luxuries like "attack buttons" where not even an option. Want to damage your enemy? Just run into him really fast! How do I know who's damaging who? Ummmmmmm . . . I dunno . . . press forward until you achieve victory!

Ys has always been a favorite series of mine. It's the quick-paced action punch to Zelda's methodically paced chin-scratching puzzles. I'll be sure to get my hopes up for a physical retail release of this . . .

When I first beat Diablo III, the server took a dump immediately after I killed Diablo. I got to see the loot spew forth, but got to claim none of it. I'm sure that there was nothing good in the pile . . . but it's the principal of thing. This was the one-and-only time I experienced connectivity issues with D3.

This is great news. Grinding and tinkering with FFV's job system comprises some of my most treasured JRPG memories. Pair that inclination with Matrix's charming presentation and style, and we may have a real winner here. I may have to buckled under and get a 3DS afterall for this puppy.

I would assume it's the same. The multiplayer was such an integral part of PW's design, so I can't imagine they'd have changed it at all. I just was curious if it was an option.

Does the console version of PW have online multiplayer?

I'm glad to hear that PW is decent on console. Despite reading several reviews of the collection, I never really got a confirmation over how much (if at all) the game had improved.