More power too you. I hate it when my wife's uptight friends come to stay over. I've never had to stomach more than one at once though. At least you have a room to go off and get some privacy in.
More power too you. I hate it when my wife's uptight friends come to stay over. I've never had to stomach more than one at once though. At least you have a room to go off and get some privacy in.
Soooo the 3DS XL. I'm not happy with it, as I'm sure many of you are not as well. But that's not what I want to talk about. I want to talk about why I may be buying one anyway, and maybe get some second opinions. There are two factors that have prevented me from buying the current model of 3DS: 1) lack of a second…
Haha you have no idea. There's a home-made poster of the pyramid of greatness hanging in my office at work.
You're totally welcome. My vast gaming knowledge is readily at the disposal of anyone so bold as to have a Ron Swanson profile pic.
The Witcher 2. Can't believe no one's recommended it yet!
Very cool. Thanks!
They've got a unique sound. It definitely grows on you. Some of the slower stuff makes for excellent work/driving music. You can definitely tell they're gamers at heart when you listen.
I'm sure we'll see this over in the West. There is good precedent for Climax games getting released over here. Even if Square Enix or Nintendo give it the no-go, Xseed will probably step up just like they did the Avalon Code and Nostalgia, which are two non-Final Fantasy games by the same people. Both are great…
For those of you who are into the electronic musics, please check out my friends' group Aestra. They make for quite a good listen, and could use some good word-of-mouth to drum up some interest outside of where we live.
Amen. It's like Nintendo doesn't want my money anymore.
Hmmm. Maybe I'm misinformed. I know that the physical retail copy for the PSP is currently $20 on Amazon. I just assumed the download would keep pace with that pricing. I don't follow the download scene much. I'm sorry to have lead you astray. I would just wait for 4 like you said.
3 is very wonderful as well. It's generally the fan favorite. At a $20 PSN PSP download, you really can't go wrong for a good RPG on your Vita. It might be a good way for you to test the waters before spending full retail price on 4 Golden when it launches.
There's really no reason to play the others unless you want to. It's not necessary to play the others to understand story. Persona games are sort of like Final Fantasy. Each numbered entry is an isolated thing. If they wish to make other games in the same universe that shares characters, they add a subtitle (such as…
Westerns have always been a big focus of mine. I try to analyze and write them whenever the opportunity presents itself. You an learn alot from a Western about the power of myth in American popular culture. It's also interesting to track the ways that Westerns pair alongside the Samurai genre. Westerns can also be…
There Will be Blood is probably the closest thing on that list to a favorite film of mine, but my actually favorite movie is Tombstone. The movie is a bit trashy, I know, but I have good memories associated with watching it with my father. I tried to keep my short list built around films I would teach if I were…
I was also thinking of posting that tune on todays TaY as I was listening to it while driving home from work last night. Wonderful track. Meguro is so fantastic.
There Will be Blood
Couldn't be more excited . . . although I do wish there was going to be a physical retail version.
Amen to "Everything old is new again." I just started up a new file in Wild Arms XF, after our discussion about it the other day. Man did I forget how positively charming that game is. It's all I can think about.
I actually preferr a longer, more lush lawn, but my dad does not, and since he's letting my wife and I have a whole floor of the house to ourselves rent-free right now until we get back on our feet, a mowing I shall go.