
I know I'd play again on an F2P model. Go that root, and add a dungeon finder for the casual crowd, and I'd be back in a flash.

Though I basically ignore 4, I'm not quite on the same page as you with 3 and 5. I found them both to be rather brilliant. 5 especially, as a anniversary tribute work. When you started meeting the other games characters hiding our in the world, and unlocking the classic costumes (especially the Knight Blazer one), it

Truly funny. Good luck in your endeavors. I've lamented the lack of math skill that has kept me out of similar engineering fields for my entire life.

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I'm so glad you enjoyed my article. I wish I had more time to continue with my game-writing these days.

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Although I didn't care for the actual game as much, few openings can really approach the shear power of Suikoden III's intro. 1 & 2 may be the stronger games . . . but this sequence sequence still reigns as king to me.

You're not the only person out there who's a fan of the Wild Arms intro. The sequence is probably one of my favorite things on Earth. I still get teary when I hear the music. I wrote this article on it afew years back. You may appreciate the read:

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A Challenger (for both categories) approaches.

Does this help you feel better?

The "Cybertronian" set from the game is soooo good. The Soundwave is amongst my favorite Transformers toys . . . and that's saying alot, as I have more than afew.

Thanks. You addressed what I was hoping would be hit on, mainly, how the laws work in A2. I hated that aspect of the first Advance.

I'll play through Castlevania: Symhony of the Night just for the Succubus fight. The voice acting in that game is deliciously atrocious . . . and when she belts out "A WAMPYRE?!?!?!" I totally lose it.

Love Scatman John. Fun fact - this song is about learning to live with a stuttering speech impediment, which John suffered from, and was an advocate for for his entire life.

Marry me?

For some reason, whenever I think of Jaleco, my mind always goes straight to Punky Skunk. They really did have some good, under appreciated titles under their belt though. I used to have a sweet giant-robot themed horizontal shmup for the original Gameboy from them that I still pine for to this day.

My inability to afford console games at launch makes me even more sad than usual at times like this. You'll have to let me know how it is. When I was working on my MA, my focus was on post-modernity in works of popular culture, so Suda 51 games are like sweet sweet brain-candy to me.

So I've been thinking of picking up a copy of Final Fantasy A2, since it's only about $20 on Amazon currently, and I'm still in love with my DSi XL, and I've been itching for some job-class focused gameplay. Can anyone give me a simple run-down of what's changed/improved from the original Tactics Advance? Aside from

Along with Jack Bros. The Shin Megami Tensei spinoff that everybody forgets about.

Just finishing up Endymion Rising, which is the last book in Dan Simmon's Hyperion series. Then I'm returning to Warhammer 40K and my gradual progress through the Horus Hersey series, and reading Prospero Burns.

I wish I could afford to also get Lollipop Chainsaw. Love me some Suda 51. Keep me posted on how amazing it is.

If the finite timer returns, this will be a definite no-buy for me. I'm okay with the daily cycle, but the "30 days" limit gets a big "no thanks" from this guy. The whole concept sapped way too much joy out of the first Pikmin title for me. Miyamoto will have to justify the decision as absolutely necessary to the