This is the greatest analogy I can imagine.
This is the greatest analogy I can imagine.
Honestly, I've never played it multiplayer. I've had loads of fun with it in single player. I doubt it has online. Unlike with Monster Hunter, GEB lets you choose a party of 3 AI characters to go with you. The game is alot easier than its inspiration in that regard.
Persona 3, Gods Eater Burst, Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky. Patapon 3.
Yeah, the original composer, Matt Uelmen, left Blizzard in 2009. Diablo II's soundtrack had such a feeling of auteur to it. As good as III's soundtrack will undoubtedly be (Russel Brower is not to be ignored. He worked on Batman: The Animated Series, and has 3 Emmys), I don't think it'll stylistically compare to…
I always love the ridiculous self-appointed "ladies man" character. You know that guy. He hits on every girl, and strikes out constantly . . . but usually ends up being the best comic relief in whatever game he's in. IE. Kyle for Lunar, or Gilder from Skies of Arcadia.
So I've been listening to the Diablo II/Lords of Destruction soundtrack all morning at work because . . . well . . . why not drive myself even more insane? 6 days to go.
I've been in the mood to start up a classic game buying jag myself. Only I'm thinking much more classic, and a tad more obscure. I've got the itch to buy some horizontal shmups for the PC-Engine CD. I'm thinking Rayxanber 3 and Gradius Gopher. It's fun to look back when you have alittle extra cash.
I'd say you need some lighter fare after Demon's Souls. Lunar should do the trick nicely.
Love me some Stan Lee. The man's a hero of mine.
Ah. Thanks for the clarification. I thought that they were involved in a much more complete capacity.
It should be noted that Titmouse are also the people behind Avatar: The Last Airbender and The Legend of Korra. Those people are animation magicians of some sort.
Oh, he explodes alright. It comes in the form of diarrhea that issues forth through his fingers and into his keyboard. That grammar! How does this guy have any sort of career?
No! The addiction's been cured. We cannot have a relapse.
27 checking in. And my wife is 31. Adventure Time is ageless.
I guess I finally need a 3DS. Adventure Time + Wayforward = Better than a date with Marceline.
That figure sure has Jade's baggy pants, and staff across its back too. I'm inclined to believe what I'm seeing.
I don't blame you. I'm trying to get rid of the original release and get a copy of Extend, but funds are, as I have mentioned in reference to Starhawk, extremely limited.
Oh yeah. Rocket packs are insanely fun too. I got alot of joy out of using one to get to a weird, hard-to-reach perch near the enemy's base, and just busting all their building as they summoned them. I do much better in that game as a professional mischief maker than an outright soldier.
I have all of the above. The reason I asked is because I'm looking for someone on my skill level (ie. not methodically professional) to play BlazBlue with; however, I don't have the newest version, just the original launch. Don't go spending any money on it if you don't already have it though.
I would love that. It's long been my contention the DLC should only be cosmetic in nature. Costumes/skins not mechanically different characters. Gun models, but not guns that actually function differently. Etc. etc.