
I agree with your reasoning. I'm just having a knee-jerk reaction.

You're not prepared for awful of this magnitude! We'll have to schedule afew rounds in the near future. :)

Now playing

Hopefully there'll still be an Elder Scrolls 6 that retains the single player. I hate it when franchises that rank amongst the last true bastions of single player glory fall to the multiplayer side.

I'd be happy to play you afew rounds in SSF4 on PS3, provided that you don't mind how mind numbingly terrible at modern fighting games I am. Feel free to message me on PSN, I'm Mrgilder1.

Amen. I am always "old man rambling" about how much I miss the days when buying a game got you a complete game. No DLC to fret about, far less glitches and technical issues. It was a less anxiety ridden time for me.

I don't really have way to use headphones on my TV. I do have a swell wireless pair on my Amazon wishlist right now, but my birthday is not until October . . . and I've run out of things I'm willing to sell to make spending money.

Viva Pinata is an old favorite of mine, and a great suggestion. Thanks for the reminder. Same with Animal Crossing.

I adore Bastion . . . but I have to play it on mute because my wife finds the sound effects and narration annoying. Basically the 1/2 the experience is killed for me. It's the same with Portal, which is maddening.

Just look up Growlanser on youtube. The one we're getting in July, Wayfarer of Time, is a PSP port of Growlanser 4, so there's already a boatload of footage out there for you to scope out. 2, 3, and 5 all came out in the US on the PS2 years ago, so there's already English versions that you can get your hands on now.

I'm gonna bare my soul for a moment Kotaku. Things aren't so hot in MrGilderland right now. Im poor as dirt and mired in debt from my two useless degrees and the time that I was unemployed. Relationship is getting super strained with the Mrs. as a result. I'm working 3 jobs just to achieve said brokeness . . . and as

I'm a pretty hardcore fan of physical copies myself, so I will always have my white PSP 2000, and my clunky ol' UMDs. I wouldn't rebuy PSP titles on the Vita even if I had one. I'm stubborn like that.

I don't think there's going to be an English version of Type-0 on the PSP, period. The game is on 2 UMDs in Japan, and I don't think anyone really wants to deal with that clunkiness here. That's why the rumor is that a Vita version will be the only Western version.

Holy crap yes. I cuss and throw a temper tantrum every single time I play that game, but I can't bring myself to uninstall it because I "love" it.

Goodness did I love me some Crisis Core back in the day. That was a hell of a great game all around. I'm still holding my breath for a FF Type 0 announcement at E3. That game looks so similar. If the rumors of US Vita version are true, then that'd certainly be the game to force my hand.

Growlanser is a pretty unique series. I initially became a fan of the series because I'm a huge fan of Satoshi Urushihara's ridiculously shiny artwork (see the image I've attached). The games are a weird hybrid of traditional turn based RPGs and real-time strategy. You've gotta stay on your toes to win as everyone

LOVE me some Thousand Arms. If memory serves me, that game was one of the first titles with dating sim elements to make it over to the West. The combat still has me smitten to this day. Those big, brightly colored sprites from the fight sequences were totally insane looking for their day, and still hold up favorably.

I was terribly underwhelmed. I thought the combat was far too chaotic for me to really develop any sort of strategy, and worstof all, I thought my avatar's physical interaction with the game world totally lacked any feeling of weight and impact (which is important to me). I just felt like my sword clipped through

Chaos Legion got a nice everything! I can't believe someone else besides me remembers that game.

I'm finding myself in similar situation. I'm really interesting in all 3 of those titles, but Diablo is the only one I'm buying. My experience with the open beta led me to the conclusion that Diablo III is the perfect game for my busy, time-tight life. You can hop in for 15 minutes before work if you like, kill afew

Lately I've been reflecting alot about exactly how much I loved, and continue to love, the PSP. I'm enjoying Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky during the time I set aside for handheld gaming (aka. Wednesday when the Mrs. watches Top Model), and just the other day I was perusing my collection and fondly recalling the