
Seriously, I’ve never packed more or less luggage based upon the amount of free luggage the airline offers.  It’s always been the amount I need to get me through the length of my journey.  And even then there’s a maximum where I start using guest laundry or laundry service.

If I was a member of congress with a boomer airline lobbyist coming to me hat-in-hand for a bailout I’d tell him right to his face “Maybe you should have saved six months of operating expenses instead of spending it all on Avocado Toa.... I mean Stock buybacks.” That’s what boomer fucks have been repeating ad nauseum

Seriously, my dad is always like “I wish you didn’t fly so much” when I talk to him.  And I always remind him “you should be worried when I drive to/from the airport that’s where I’m taking the biggest chance.”   Yeah, one death due to aviation accident in a DECADE vs the 100's of thousands that have died on the roads

It’s far less than half on American except on the shorter American Eagle hops. Most mainline AA flights I’m on the first class cabin is always fully sold and checked-in. Domestic first class on American Airlines is just rarely that expensive and a lot of employers just tell their employees “Don’t spend more than $xxx

I wish my company would set a ticket budget and just ignore what class it is. They never permit first class on any flight... EVER! (bastards) I can use my status to score all the free upgrades I want, yes. But they absolutely won’t pay for a first class fare unless no other seat is available. They do allow business

Yeah, I always thought Economy class paid to get the plane there and the premium cabins were just high margin offerings.  Makes sense since airlines are happy to give them away as free upgrades to frequent business travelers.  They’d rather get an economy fare for that unsold 1st class seat than $0.  Plus my original

Dude, I’m AA Platinum and even though I always board group 3 (out of 9) the plane is already half full by the time I board. Problem is I’m flying with all the other business travelers on Monday morning.

Domestically, First/Business is largely a perk for the frequent fliers on most routes (which probably makes it even MORE valuable than selling the seats by keeping the high-paying pax loyal).

I can still see your car, and if you gave me the finger or the circle game, I’d see that too. Problem is most people have their mirrors set like a moron. That’ll create a blind spot a city bus could hide in if you don’t try your best Linda Blair impression. You get a few feet further back most dickheads will never see

100% agree.  I wonder how many pedestrian collisions happen because someone making a right turn was too fixated to cars coming from the right to glance left to make sure the crosswalk was unoccupied.

There’s more trucks on the road than there are cars now which means you’re more likely to be hit by one. I remember a NHTSA video from long ago that compared the dangers to pedestrians between cars and trucks/SUVs and the engineering solutions to improve safety. With Trucks and SUVs the higher hood tends to strike

My sister’s lab in Missouri mainly does bloodwork for surgical patients, their workload has significantly decreased since this outbreak because most surgeries have been postponed.

It’s more the issue of where the vehicle strikes your body. Those taller hoods hit you right in the important organs and force you under the bumper. Sedans have become much safer for pedestrians since the DOT outlawed pop-up headlamps and hood ornaments. They tend you sweep you off your feet and catch you on the hood.

It has nothing to do with the size of the trucks. It’s that there are so many more of them on the road the odds of you being hit by one is much greater than it was 30 years ago. Trucks from 40 years ago aren’t that much smaller than they are today except in wheelbase and OAL (due to popularity of 4 door trucks).

I remember a long time ago seeing a NHTSA presentation on pedestrian safety with regards to vehicle strikes, the biggest issue with trucks and SUVs is the point of impact on the body. Trucks and SUVs tend to strike the pedestrian in the torso and then force them under the vehicle which makes severe and fatal injuries

The fault then is the city for not maintaining the sidewalks like they do the roads.  Roads are just as susceptible to damage from tree roots and subsidence.  And ticket/tow people that park on them.

JJ's obsession with mystery boxes comes from him being a no-talent hack.  He just slaps shit at the wall to see what sticks.  Disney's biggest mistake was putting him in charge.  Just look at the post-Disney Star Wars projects that don't suck; the things JJ wasn't allowed to get his dirty hands on.

The only unfortunate thing about this gif is it doesn’t capture Chris Farley’s delivery.

It’s as though the flag of convenience suddenly has become an inconvenience.

Now playing

Even worse, they only do it to spend shitloads of money and say they’ve done it. Hence my response to anyone that boasts about climbing Mt. Everest: