
Two hottest sororities in Michigan? That's like saying they are the two members of the Jersey Shore cast with the fewest STD's.

Huh. I thought the joke was pretty darn clear when I used the term "eleventy-twenty billion dollars" for the value of the cocaine. However, allow me to painstakingly explain the joke to you.

In all fairness, they also valued the 8 tons of cocaine at eleventy-twenty billion dollars (street value) and the 2 lbs of marijuana at $6 million (street value). Also, you might want to google colombian peso's

Now playing

Err...well I have been using Porn/Private mode for years to, uh, shop for gifts for MrsCheatachu...

Shouldn't tip #1 be Ctrl+Shift+P (private browsing)?

"Throw his ass out. He's a robot! He's a robot! He's a robot! A robot, look there's a robot!"

Holy hell, if you plan on clicking on the 'Published originally' from link be prepared for some rather graphic images that accompany the story.

"Flash back 7 years ago, and if you had a cell phone, you HAD to have a carrying case on your belt/purse/wherever in order to carry that thing around. I remember my parents' old Nextel phones, and MAN! They were big! And when my Dad finally got a Blackberry, those things were huge as well!"

What is this? A center for ants? How can we be expected to teach children to learn how to read... if they can't even fit inside the building?

Listen, I know it is easy to take pot-shots at this new gizmodo layout, but seriously...this isnt ready for prime time. I clicked the picture in the gallery to enlarge the comparison and I get this garbage (on my 24" monitor). #broken

If the tower are coming back, will you please, please, please just remake Dark Tower instead?

The bigger issue is that a 17 year old is smoking.

Well what's the current penalty for passing around the body scanner images? I am surprised that there aren't already some pretty harsh penalties in place.

No, you just have to be approved to comment. In the old gawker-verse anyone who wasnt approved to comment showed up pink (I am a star on a couple of other sites in the gawker-verse).

Unless that super witty comment I didn't make got me a star that I didn't notice, it appears that I see pink people (the horrors)

Let me guess...the big controversy is Sanchez is engaged to a 17 year old who he also illegally purchases cigarettes for?

@sirrix: Yeah...born and raised in MN, know a thing or two about snow. Take a look at a storm drain in the winter, and tell me if there is any water going down that. Even during thaw, I have seen streets flood because ice is blocking the storm drains.

@EightyEight_MPH: Boogaard is with the Rangers and Scott is with the Blackhawks, so MN has an enforcer vacuum after having two of the top fighters in the league.

@MrFluffyThing: where does the melted snow go? The ground is surely frozen so it can't be absorbed and unless you have also torched the way to a sewer drain, it seems like you have created a puddle which will just freeze into an ice skating rink...

Hahaha, I love the 'second opinion'