
Awesome article, I am inspired to try some of these out.

Another reason to like Jimmy Leonhard.

@ThePaul: What about the "I'm sorry I lost 300 Euros out of our account because I was staring at some boobs" gift

@Vexorg: The show is on the air because the ratings and viewership are high enough to warrant CBS keeping it on air. It will be taken off the air when it is no longer profitable, or another project will bring in more viewers or higher ratings and the commercial rate will be higher.

So, has the I'm with Coco picture become our generations Campbell's Soup Cans?

@I takes the golde: You met at the terrace? Last I checked it said the meetup was going to be at Starbucks...I would have gone if I knew there was going to be beer involved.

@ddhboy: True, I guess the only good thing that comes out of two giants colliding like this is that it raises awareness of the US Patent system, and the things that people can get away with patenting...basically, whoever has the bigger wallet is the winner.

@12345: Google knows you have died before you do.

@iScuba: Remember those fireworks we saw when Apple went after HTC...oh wait, it was a flurry of activity then died down and I haven't heard a thing about it since.

@medopal: Slippery slope my friend...what happens when someone actually dies and nobody reports it because they think it is a street-view prank?

@rb1971 - E39M5 + E9 CSi: The way Carolla explained it is he paid the taxes, and just doesn't want to drill into the bumper of his sports car. So if you aren't going to put a front on, it is more likely that you will get caught if you have the back one on too.

Adam Carolla, friend of Gizmodo, has ranted a number of times that he refuses to put plates on his cars. He has stated that if you keep the dealer plate and the piece of paper in the window, the cops won't pull you over in California.

@BunnyJones: I would imagine that after doing the O.C. she is probably pretty set.

@Svirfneblin: It depends on what you want to do with it. Do you have any projects in mind?

@sneakypoo: I encourage articles/guides on gizmodo, but I agree with your analysis.

That machine makes me want a Boss coffee right now...

@Corbab: Advertising, the more bottles you see the more likely you are to think of that drink.

@D-Bomb: I have a hard time detecting sarcasm on the internet. Is that sarcasm or a serious comment?