
Well, I am actually excited to try the starbucks ready-brew. I actually stopped in to starbucks this morning and they had a deal going on there that if you purchased a ready-brew pack, you got a free gift (was a bin of clearanced mugs, games, books, etc.)

@DeathcomFour: In football (handegg) the replay officials cannot review certain types of game-changing plays, ie: pass interference.

@Technologicisback: You obviously cared enough to click the link, read the article, then form a response and click the share button.

While in this instance, adding instant replay would have allowed the ref to make the correct call, but I think the big question is where do you draw the line?

Besides the colorware stuff, I can't think of any smartphones that are 'loud' colors.

@tj: all I got to say is: 7DA


That looks kinda like a sea-doo seascooter with a floatie attached.

Interesting read. It is somewhat interesting that the same thing that made them fail back in the day (batteries) is the same thing that is making them fail today.

Argh. I used to frequent some Sprint Message boards, and the topic that was beaten to death over and over and over was the SERO plans.

@abates25: Is that really a necessary comment? This is an article about a fun little game that pits twitter icons against each other. Do you need to try to start a debate about flash here?

@VIn: I am sorry if my reply was short Alvin. My original post stated every cup has had players complaining about the ball, and every cup the ball has seen technological changes to the ball. I was hoping that people would be able to connect the dots.

It seems that those with primary colors and white backgrounds are tough suckers to take down.

@Molossus: You are absolutely correct to notice that the list I posted are the technological improvements rather than the specific complaints.

@Go Vols!: MLS switched to the ball this year, and the average goals per game remained constant (2.54 last year, 2.50 this year)

It seems like every cup player's complain about the ball.