
Haas already has a bigwind tunnel

Translation: Only Mercedes, Ferrari, Renault, and Honda are certified to make engines for F1. Somehow that makes it so a team outside of Europe can't use one of the engines, even though Honda is Japanese. Most teams are UK based, so will they be UK based?

maybe if Danica enters Maldonado won't be the crashiest of drivers?

smoked turkey legs and Coors is the breakfast of champions. If they don't serve it, they don't deserve to be in business

Maybe if he wasn't a sexist Hitler praising scumbag/asshole that's not above bribery, he wouldn't be in legal trouble

It's not our fault, it's SRTs fault for making a car not good enough, and that's why people who actually can afford it aren't buying it

Don't be silly. No one drives their Rolls, they hire someone else to drive it for them.

This is especially true in cases of a terrorist attack. Like the Malaysia airlines might be. And like 9/11. If you don't joke about it and get scared and worry and sad. The terrorists win. Simple as that. If we use humor to cope, not only can you stay happy but the terrorist can't get people as afraid and they don't

No one here can take responsibility so we use for anything that goes wrong. That's why we are so damn liberal. And why Seattle(just the city, not even greater Seattle area) has more lawyers than the whole country of Japan.

Any exotic car maker theme park will do that

Wait so are the hoses for gas pumps or the lines inside of a car? Or both?

It's based on the NFS games. Which as I recall are pretty exactly what you just described. What did you expect? The most realistic and thoughtout plot/movie ever?

And they're keeping it secret because....? Is the plane actually a UFO filled with alien lizard people on a secret mission from the illuminati to destroy freedom?

Aside from Ferrari dealers. Anyone on the companies pay is likely to be a cock. I would go browse around dealers. Aston, Rolls, Porsche, they're all really nice, let me sit in the car, talk about the cars(even some of the problems the cars have. Probably because I'm and obviously am not shopping for one of those cars,

I don't get why people have to feel like these movies are beneath them. Cars, explosions, giant robots fighting to the death. Who needs a solid plot? I thought DotM had a pretty good plot, and the movie was really good. Not every movie has to be completely logical with real world physics(they actually follow the law

Holy shart on rie bread! Are all F1 drivers that short?

Oh boy. Forgot people aren't allowed to be offended anymore. No matter if they deserve it by, say, illegally entering a country so you won't have to pay taxes and can gain welfare money and not attempting to gain legal entrance. This ones allowed to feel bad anymore. Everyone's a fucking winner, we all

Here's the thing. 3D printing will not be a big part of cars for a long time. Most people want budget cars, they can't afford uber expensive cars. And printing in low density, with a very low layer resolution, and cheap plastic, it costs about $5 a cubic inch. Again, that's with low density and bad resolution with

More importantly, how was Whalberg able to restart Optimus with a simple car battery and some jumper cables when In Transformers 2 they had to travel all the way to Egypt to find an ancient artifact, and then use part from another transformer that have up his life, just to bring Optimus back?

I see more airline neck cushion