
São Paulo - Brazil (living here now, hometown is close to the Amazon Forest).

Maleficent beats all. Good choice.

Since I'm in a Brandon Sanderson mood, I just finished the Alloy of Law and started The Way of Kings. Right after finishing this I'll go straight to Words of Radiance!

Gotta finish this so I can start reading the Way of Kings to eventually start Words of Radiance!

My thoughts exactly.

Very informative and delightful reading.


I was about to go into a tantrum, then I saw Goku.

My bookshelves are going nowhere! As much as I love reading on my kindle, I still collect the physical version.

My thoughts exactly! Sounds like the question was elaborated this way purposefully.

Galaxies? Sorry, just my garden, ma'am.

Same here! I've looked everywhere but the ones I've found aren't as sturdy as I want them to be. If someone knows a good backpack, please recommend it!

Wow! This looks otherwordly beautiful!

I lol'ed !!!

Oh nice!!! Thanks!

Any real BIG difference on the multitasking?

No need to keep voting. Xbox controller is the best for PC.


Interesting point of view.

I quit after reading the fourth. I regret I spent any time reading that pile of s***