I sense a "yeah, it's that kind of thrill" joke here, somewhere.
It's beautiful, trust me. I(think) I found a picture online of the one I used to visit(almost) every afternoon after class and just stare at(trust me, the picture DOES NOT do it a shred of justice). And trust me, there were many other classic and great looking cars around it, but this one was just perfect:
"Smile for the picture, private!"
Just in time for lunch(at my desk), thanks Jalopnik!
I hear you, and agree.
Why are you posting my alleged concern over some other guy's junk? Seems like it's all in your head. I would get that checked out if I was you(good thing I'm not though).
Maybe you can recommend me your therapist and surgeon, seeing how they worked miracles with you.
Also, the most incorrect... But yeah, sure(see Jennifer Lawrence gif above).