
Again, that’s a flat out lie, it’s fine that you don’t understand what’s going on here, but why are you lying about it?

I understand you’re a bigot if that’s what you’re asking - again I live in the UK one of the countries your bringing up.

You’re just tying yourself in knots here aren’t you.

What risk?

Again, you don’t know what you’re talking about.

lol so now you’ve pivoted from “there’s potential harm” in using the drugs to trans kids shouldn’t get treatment because they’re trans.

Only that’s not the case is it - because you keep skirting the question as to why they are safe for long term use for cancer treatments and precocious puberty, but not other treatments? 

Answer the question though - why are these lifesaving for one treatment and dangerous for another?

In fact, looking at just one online newspaper in the UK, you can see that they have posted over 2,000 articles on trans people in a little over a year:


As a person living in one of those countries it’s a travesty, and not at all like the utter horseshit reason you think it is.

31 doctors, after nearly half a century of using them.

Why was this not an issue in the late 70s through the next 40 odd years?

It’s very much a and specifically transphobic issue - you’re willing to ignore decades, nearly half a centuries research into a medication to deny trans kids healthcare.

It’s getting bad here in Britain - we’ve got some really shitty newspapers that seem to be constantly printing anti-trans news daily, thousands of articles on it.

That’s deeply shocking and quite upsetting to hear, I thought he was one of the good guys 

Well, asking to be a bigot in private isn’t going to get you any love from the community is it. 

Why would the show about time travel be set in 2023?

Just flag and move on, these fuckwits aren’t worth your time. 

I thought this was announced months ago along with the character’s name?