The man was in his 20s, the age of consent for gay men in the UK is 16, he hadn’t “reached” legal age, he’s reached his twenties.
The man was in his 20s, the age of consent for gay men in the UK is 16, he hadn’t “reached” legal age, he’s reached his twenties.
Is English your second language, because that’s literally how those words work.
I farm the XP on the review exercises, but that’s the whole point of those exercises, they change daily and are supposed to be refresher lessons for things you might not have seen for a while.
I’m almost a year into Japanese and it’s not uncommon for me to get several thousand XP in any given week (and some weeks, maybe a few hundred, depending on how I feel).
I honestly thought this movie had been and gone already
He was at Monaco last weekend and it took me a moment to realise it was him, he seemed to be doing some sort of impression of Hugh Grant’s character from The Gentlemen
Awesome right? x
You can be a cop, or you can be proud.
That update is bullshit, all you need to do is obfuscate the handle, not generate a new one.
Brings out the best in all the basement dwellers doesn’t it?
There are plenty of forgettable Nic Cage movies, Con Air is not one of them.
I want to see Keaton on the big screen!
Nobody remembers Con Air?
2% of the time she’s in the costume 100% of the time
He’s had a not too bad transplant recently by the look of it
If Reeve turns up I will physically leave the cinema.
What is it about the DC movies that makes them want to tell you “for the love of Christ come see out movie, look we did this brilliant surprise thing!”
Photos of two cast members have already been published (albeit earlier than planned).
Oh I don’t use torrents, if it was easily available, I’d have it.