
I’ve never bothered with subs for things like this - when I started running I followed a Nike 10k plan, which I found fantastic for me and then a 12 week triathlon plan I found in a magazine which really worked for me.

Pre pandemic I did triathlon and ran a half marathon a week - however that all went to shit during lockdown and I put on something like 20kgs and just gave up.

I like Diet Coke, it’s my go to soft drink and has been for years (I’ll drink sugar based ones no problem, I just prefer Diet Coke if I’m having a Coke).

Hey now, there’s nothing wrong with enjoying the cool, refreshing flavour of butt.

I can’t even taste Zero after having Covid - or Original Coke, Diet Coke seems to be hanging in there, which is fine because it was my go to anyway.

This caused a chicken shortage for them in the UK, and honestly, they were just meh.

Here’s the thing - I love playing DnD, in person, around a table with a group of friends, it’s amazing.

Why do they always look the same, is there some sort of genetic cesspit these fuckers are bred from?

I don’t know why in my brain I thought it was 10 hours long, I forgot the episodes were variable length.

I’ve had better received farts in elevators than First Kill.

I didn’t realise First Kill had such a poor completion rate, that’s a huge drop off.

It was a show I kept putting off - and now probably won’t watch because it’s been cancelled. 

That’s what 12 million viewers if you assume that’s people watching it to completion, (which it wont be, some people will bail some people will watch it more than once).

Victim blaming?

The developers are totally at fault - but seriously, if you think you can get refunds on Kickstarter I have a bridge to sell you. 

My bad I see it now.

My bad I see it now.

My bad I see it now.

The article doesn’t state that, only that they’re unable to.

Why do people still think they’re due a refund on Kickstarter?