His turn on Nevermind the Buzzcock’s Who special will always bring a smile to my face
Such as...
Cocoon takes place in the deep end of a swimming pool?
I’d like to say Mortensen’s accent in this is incredible.
That’s a genuinely stupid thing to say.
It looks like great fun
This actually looks better than it has any right to.
He wasn’t shooting into other apartments nor out of windows.
The parents too, one of the bullies said that his dad told him he was “...probably killed by another [slur]”
And that’s why America will never change.
Biologically, PrEP works for white, Black, Latinx, and any other cis man equally.
RTD returns to Who, “I’m not gonna cast a single new straight person for this special”
In literally the very first episode his mother reports his disappearance as a potential hate crime because he’s not like the other boys and that his father called him (a word I won’t use).
Season 2 of Heartstopper will bring one of the character’s asexuality to the front according to the creator, (who identifies as aroace), so that should help bring more representation to the screen in a good way.
That’s a valid point, and I think, as a gay person, seeing asexuality represented in that way would have been really interesting and it’s heartening that not just gay people saw themselves in the character.
...hints that he was gay (and closeted) first popped up as early as the show’s first season
I’d much rather have one of those on a hot day than any type of lager.
To be fair, that’s the exact face I make when I try drinking almost every lager.
Were any of the beers here described as anything other than “sweet”?