Mowgli in flares

We have literally the same taste in TV.

Your selection of tv is spot on.

Well, a slightly better outcome than the LAST time she was hanging out with a friend’s dad. . .

I assumed “The Corset: Feminist News, Nail Art, and More” was a hat tip to Jezebel. Glad they’re fans.

Polanski is bad. Seder is good and thinks people defending Polanski are bad. Cernovich is a rapist.

Maybe they were right when they said Americans don’t understand irony...

They’re richer and Trump has business ties to them.

First arson now art: Is there anything Cheryl Blossom doesn’t excel at?

“Out of the way, Bert and Ernie.”

A sobering indication of the times we live in. Even MBCock must adapt.

Can we have one fucking thing from this administration that isn’t completely terrible or completely absurd?

For a second I thought you said she was cheating on him with Tiffany as in Tiffany Trump, his second daughter. Which wouldn’t even be the weirdest story I’ve ever heard about these people.

Perhaps a better way to put it is that he did want to win the presidency, but he didn’t want the job.

Once they open the books I’m pretty sure she isn’t going to be a wealthy widow.

If you think for one hot minute that an essential mail order bride is skirting the responsibilities of first lady as a fuck you to the patriarchy, then I guess sometimes we need fantasy in difficult times.

... and if she really is redefining the role, then she should stop wearing that stupid FLOTUS cap

In other news, water is wet.

Good. I’m glad she’s miserable.

Fuck that sociopath.

Fair and human response. Not sure what else people expect of her.