Mowgli in flares

You should tell him that after the war Lee condemned any glorification of it, spoke out against the use of the confederate flag, and refused to be buried in his confederate uniform. I doubt he would appreciate a statue in honor of his service to the Civil War.
Something my dad said about the statue debate, since that

I’m going to guess they’re going to trot out Mitch McConnell to say

You answered your own question.

off topic but WHO PUNCTUATED THAT GIF? That’s not how commas work.

Because as far as she’s concerned they’re not talking about her and her babies, it’s those other Jews and their babies. Daddy won’t let the mob lay a finger on her and hers, right? Right?

I’m really enjoying that you’re having your own birther scandal, except this time it’s real.

He said “someone like Trump but who wouldn’t give his daughter to a Jew.” Because Ivanka is a possession to be given away. Racist and sexist - such a magical combination.

Well, you dad is certainly drinking the kool-aid. Basically what the Republican media outlets are trying to do to deflect is to glance over the white supremacy part and focus solely on a first amendment debate. It’s clearly disingenuous horseshit, but when you as indoctrinated into the propaganda as your dad sounds,

I have it on good authority that she only converted for the jokes.

Yep. Kushner’s primary religion is grifting.

“integrity is worth more than anything.”

Ironically, this new version of the statue is a more accurate representation of the historical Confederacy, at least before the end of Reconstruction.

It’s absolutely fair to say that when the one coming up short was an active participant in normalizing Trump and is still giving weak statements today. If Fallon wanted to stay out of politics, he would stay out of politics. He doesn’t get to have candidates on his show, goof around with maniacs who have built their

Meh. He’s not really popular in the city. New Yorkers think he’s a schmuck. His reputation of being stingy, rude and a bum when it comes to paying his bills is known citywide.

Nah. New Yorkers never loved him. He may believe so, but nope.

I appreciate the specificity of this.

The Arpaio shit was intentionally leaked as a “reasonable counter-point” to remarks shitting on his base.

Arpaio also stalked and threatened my former law professor, who was hired by the state of Arizona to investigate him for ethical violations. You know you’re a bad dude when you attempt to harm an administrative law professor (aka a boring dude)

When I heard they were renovating, my immediate fear was that he was finally putting up a giant “TRUMP” sign on the front facade.

But he said racism is evil. That means Joe Arpaio is evil. So surely he won’t get a pardon, then. That’s that.