Yes!! It’s like some weird MRA version of the Baader-Meinhof Phenomenon where one day they realise that all along they were surrounded by these messages and ideas.
Yes!! It’s like some weird MRA version of the Baader-Meinhof Phenomenon where one day they realise that all along they were surrounded by these messages and ideas.
:) :) :) and yours is fabulous
OMG the one about how men punch each other in the face so if we continue to push for equality women may have to be punched in the face by men too. Just wow.
It’s about time someone blew the lid off our top secret conspiracy to make society suck less.
This is incredibly satisfying. I remember a comment on one of the Last Week Tonight videos (I know, I know, never read the comments) was a bunch of bros asking for an exposé on “feminist propaganda”. It bothered me that a person could enjoy John Oliver’s show, appreciate the leanings the show has in highlighting…
I’m forever quoting Maria Bamford when I try to talk about my depression. Hope I get to see her live one day too! She is so, so, so great.
Jesus Christ. This should be some sort of cultural studies course for kids - guess which one is the white murder suspect and which one is the black murder victim.
A friend of mine is travelling to the States and planning a road trip so I’m going to suggest this as a potential itinerary for her. Thanks!
Somewhere out there Abigail Fisher is taking notes.
I love/hate the person that turned me on to CBB (and comedy geekdom in general) because I am perpetually wandering around with my earphones in with a huge grin and sometimes genuine tears of laughter.
The next clue is in the White House!!!
She may have reached the pinnacle ‘bratty children who are fascinated by the idea of sex yet have no idea what it is’ on her latest episode with Thomas Middleditch. I was in hysterics walking to work listening to it.
It is perhaps the greatest of all of Marissa’s feuds.
I just finished it today. It feels a bit predictable to start with but it definitely grew on me. It’s a funny show about loneliness and grief, which is always impressive.
And don’t forget the feckless are really at fault for their own.. er.. floundering? This is harder than I thought.
Remember to copy + paste this response for the next 18 months of election bullshit.
Angelina Jolie has some whitewashing experience already thanks to A Mighty Heart. And eurrgfhhhh to all of this.
I think Alan Alda AND Carol Burnett would be scared if they knew how much I shipped them after watching The Four Seasons. And I may or may not get carried away occasionally trying to sing along to both parts of the song from Same Time Next Year.
He has a way of making rainy afternoon meh movies just a little bit more watchable. I don't know why else I would have watched Tower Heist or Wanderlust for starters.
This is the first Howard Stern gif party I've ever seen on Jezebel and I am overjoyed. Thank you.