Moses Monster

Whole Heartedly agree. There are multiple ways for people to read this site. As soon as they fix the classic/retro links (broken at time of writing) I don't see why people can't just use those. Then there is the RSS version, and the mobile version. Options are still avaliable and more will come soon. Let's not destory

He's not alone. I like the new design too.


UK did get Doctor Who first, but if you are refering to the new Battlestar Galactica, didn't the US air them first on SyFy?

Is that a challenge Gizmodo? I take that challenge!

@tylerbrainerd: "Cr-48 Suckas" That's what I read from your comment.

Why can't I just go online to and do the saaaaaaaaaame thing?

@AssassinXaero: I can see that. My friends said the same thing. Not sure if it's good writing or just the amount of content that made ME stand out for me. I could be blind but I enjoyed the story.

Mass Effect 2, Red Dead Redemption? I guess it's all considered opinion but I believe those should of gotten nomiated for their Writing Cred.

@Benguin the Albatross: Extremely dissapointed. You want to talk about a simple game, this one takes the cake.

The main question I have is... Why is that lady in the photo watching Transformers. She isn't a fan... she doesn't look like she knows how to "roll out"

Sam Witwer ... bit of a man crush on that guy. The cast seems stellar. I'm on board for this one.

Shucks. Played UT3 on the PC. Might play Bulletstorm on the PC too (is it coming out for the PC)?

@Adhominem: I like the soild keyboard snap it has. Played with my friends. Still love my Nexus One.

@Spectacles: Gotta check with HTC on that one. Nexus One and the Nexus S are all world phones technically, and with the HTC Desire, as stated in the article, it's heavily modified with HTC's Sense UI. You won't get most of the benifets from this update with that phone. :)