Moses Monster

@phoenix6666: They were pretty bad. And not camp level bad like some movies. Nothing has to be oscar worthy to be good. There is a middle ground for movies and the F4 movies were six feet under.

Was it me or was Jason in some kind of "I just watched Point Blank and Star Trek II: Wrath of Khan. I'm ready to fight and say philosophical shit I don't really understand."mood?

So the site only tracks stats for the PS3, Xbox360 and the Nintendo DS.... but not the PC?

Ooo. Even more ways to waste time. I'm downloading it now. How long until TwOffice 2010 Suite?

I half-way expected the monster saying "trash" to of said "Shit!"

@Heliophage: I don't think Edios would comment at all if it were true.

@azpat: I had the same problem. I want a simple to do/ recall (pun not intended) system that also works natively with my calendar. I heard Apple doesn't want developers to mess around with the calendar app though for some peculiar reason.

@planetarian: Yeah. I forgot to mention the hold down part. Like I said, I think it's meant for touch screens.

you can also use your middle mouse button and click it. Sliding up will reveal the list, and sliding down will have the list disappear. I'd imagine it's designed for fingers in mind.

Being generous while looking at that chart, cut the iPhone bar in half and that'd be a representable number for the people who'd buy games for the iPhone. And like I said, that's being dramatically generous.

@Peter Cohen: I'm sure the ESRB can come up with something more reasonable for the iPhone as they have with other indie developers on other platforms.

@geddem: Steam Games, even the pure digital ones, all are rated.

If Apple is serious about entering the gaming world, I don't see why they shouldn't be rated by the ESA. They aren't above anything.

Sounds all very interesting. I wonder how the pricing will turn out. Is this REALLY a number two or sort of an expansion!? I'd buy it either way, but it does seem sort of like a slap in the face to those who bought the first one, no less than a few months ago.

It's still $30 dollars on steam. I think I might wait to see if they change that price too. EA is slow on that front always.

@okcomputer: I might give the free version a go then. I was worried about not being able to listen to music, or carrying two devices. Although, I guess the sounds of the trains and wind could be enough.

Oh Frak Yes! My prayers have been answered. I don't know how many times I added something to my queue and received in the mail after a month of going through the previous DVDs only to find out I could of streamed it during down time two weeks before hand.