This is Japan targeting Females.
This is Japan targeting Females.
Im running a Barbarian with good gear on Monster Power 8 Normal and man is it fun. I got bored of grinding my Lvl 60 Witch Doctor seriously the worst class to play by far all the builds are so boring.
If you want a good laugh head over to the D3 General Forum its literally like the sky is falling over there. I got so bored of the idocy I stopped even responding seriously its funny. There was one post that got to over 12 pages about a Class Action Lawsuit... seriously.
Okay honestly if you hate their scores so much why are you writing about it? It doesn't effect your enjoyment of any game in anyway...
Perhaps they liked Soul Sacrifice and didn't like Monster Hunter 3 as much...
Looks like an awakened being from the anime/manga Claymore.
I have five Vita games 3 of which I got free on PS+, Uncharted GA, Disgea 3 (which is crazy fun on a handheld), and Gravity Rush. Honestly only paid for Persona 4: Golden and Atelier Totori.
We can agree there, it'll be much easier for indi developers mostly due to the fact developing on PC will be a much quicker turn over to the Consoles.
A good recent example of development costs is the new Tomb Raider. It sold around 4.2 million copies I believe however SE considered it a failure. Why? Because they wanted 6 million to recoup costs of development and marketing. There is NO game possible in the next generation that can sell that much as there wont…
Im sure it's easier to develop for but they dont make the decisions. Honestly its simple business.
Ya and that is not a launch feature I think. The Gaiki (think thats the name) system is still a long way off. Also to people with bandwith caps that's a cold comfort... Honestly I have no problem with switching HDMI cables, hell I do it all the time as my TV has only one HDMI output (its old).
I should add the 150 million is about 35 million higher then the PS2's install base at the time of this gens launch. If anything this gens install base is higher then the combined PS2/Xbox install base.
Final Fantasy IX came out months after the PS2 did. Big games still come out like Persona 4 two years after the PS3.
Since always... the Cell Processor is hard to emulate.
You realize E3 is before September right...
Lets put this in perspective Persona 4 was released more then two years after the Playstation 3 came out. This shows developers have a lot of leeway in developing games for "last gen" consoles. It often takes one or two years for the current gen to overtake the last in terms of development costs and profitability
"After being punched through the chest and killed by Goku's Penetrate! attack, King Piccolo's last action was to spit out an egg containing his son and reincarnation Piccolo Jr, who was to avenge his death. Piccolo Jr. spends the next three years in intensive training, preparing himself for the 23rd World Martial Arts…
Piccolo in Dragonball wanted to take over the world he was as evil as his father he just softened up.
He teamed up with Goku for the soul purpose of saving the world so HE could take it over not really a pure motivation. It was during his training of Gohan (again which he is only to protect the world (and his life) so he could take it over) where he learned love and his eventual redemption when he saved Gohan from…