
Battle... Raper..? oh god Japan I should have known

Minsc is most likely my favorite NPC of all time, ever. As for Villains, Jon Irenicus, man, the game creators made you feel how far he had fallen and how twisted he had become. oh and, hearted.

I remember playing this at a friends house as a small child and being reduced to tears as I flew into everything but those goddamned rings.

Because we have to PUNISH criminals and make them suffer, not just REHABILITATE them back to a point where we can reintegrate them safely into society. Such insanity from people these days...

Nitpicking here but, Baldur's

Personally I like EVE myself, now there's a developer that listens to the community.

But isn't Betty a girls name?!

Hey, well you're in luck I would say considering our most recent Nobel Prize.


Sadly not good enough for a star. *****SSSSIIIIIGGGGHHHHH******

Hey, at least the Samuel Adams ad has that one guy with the big beard for us to stare at while they tell us about how much better their drink is

I know which one you're talking about, I'm not sure on the name but it influences hormones quite potently. Potent enough to be a danger from the small amounts absorbed through the skin for females

Who needs Cannibalism when you have kittens!

Sounds like the Films financial backers, Have forgotten the face of their fathers....

As long as they put up the DLC for it that makes a small retractable pen "Clicking" sound whenever a button is pressed.

This is what happens when you sell strange, golden, asymetrical jewelry from your hometown.

Take a look at bioglass, some of that stuff is frankly amazing. It performs the Osseointegration process like you mentioned but also is flexible enough not to shatter should you take an impact on the prothesis, its not perfect but its one of the better lines of research into that area.

Being in a unique observation position (I live 20 mins away from Douglass county) I can say that the thing has caused a small rush of eclectic tourists. Welcome to Minnesota, land of Gov't shutdown and mutant critters

Green Tea is PEOPLE!!!!!

Cesium man to the rescue! with my stalwart companion Barium Boy!