
Come on scientists. Instead of searching for life on other planets or habitable planets, just pull Titan closer to the sun, something simple like a tractor beam might work. How hard can that be? If we had Wesley Crusher he could figure it out. Where is Will Wheaton when you need him?

I have a child who is 4 years old. That childs grandmother (my stepmother) felt it was neccesary to let them know that whenever they do something bad that the 'Spooks' will come and get them. Of course not a good idea in todays world. Old people are funny, and not all that nice sometimes.

I hope that many peoples facebook profiles are like mine. My facebook contains no information on me other than my name, all else on it are totally fake and 100% humorous.

Clearly I am inept at posting funny or interesting articles, so therefore I propose that those responsible for the Gawker accounts being comprimised to please login with my profile and post some witty comments. I think they can get 'starred' far easier, lol.

What they did not mention is that those same scientists were the ones who paralyzed the monkey in the first place.

I am still waiting for the 18+ version of Lawrence Of A Labia.

Those are two spicy meaty balls on her.

Be completely aware that this is optional. People are generally not liking this idea.

Some people just do know a great idea when they see it.

R.I.P Lord Dreamcast. You will be sorely missed. All hail the new Lord Dreamcast, the new king if the past present and future.

I am sorry but if I am sold a PS3 160GB system for $99.99 I am not asking questions. Plus since I live in Ontario I am going to look around for some 'fell off a truck' kind of deals.

I am looking to purchase one of Greg Bear's new books or older books. I read the Hull Zero Three preview and liked it, any else I should be interested in?

There was a crooked man,

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"Orlando Bloom will be replaced with a potted plant", so in other words nothing has changed.

I would buy this should it reach American shores. Of course it would have to be download only and be disguised on my console as a first person shooter with a skull and crossbones for a logo, only be accessible for my gamer profile on my 360 and hide all my achievements from other people.

Best contender for Call of Duty?

This new learning amazes me, Sir Bedevere. Explain again how sheep's bladders may be employed to prevent earthquakes.