
@Cochese 2.0: Best picture ever. Make that into a gif, best gif ever.

@diedan: Yep, mines a better picture. lol.

@Batman: All Japanese dating SIM's, I find them interesting. We need at least a few ported to american DS

@ElephantFace: Go for this one. I hear you get invisibility. Plus you can wear it around your finger. Or on a chain around your neck.

@DrakeDatsun: I downloaded my digital copy of Gran Torino. I had to pay $1.99 to get it, plus it was not able to be viewed on a PSP. It was a terrible deal.

Unless I see a Fable 3 Jeep Liberty I am not buying one.

Updates look nice, I would like to have more customization on the avatars tho. Maybe make one look my age. Also would not mind some throwback themes or avatar clothes like Phantasy Star Online or Shining Force.

@Sodrohu: The games to me are less story driven and more task drive. Just as simple as do this. So it can have no storyline and I will still but it as I am challenge oriented.

Call it 'I Mother Earth', I would rather have a band fight me in court vs nintendo.


Don't hate Blizzard, they do make delicious treats.

Do master chief.

I thought mystic quest was a fairly good game. Easy yes. I remember the white spell, crazy overpowered.

@Russell_Crowe86: Hey Russell, what ever happened to that 3 stooges movie is it still being made. And what video game with the 3 stooges in it would you suggest?

Curse you Kotaku. You know what, I used to post frequently on other websites forums. But as of recently I do not. You know why? I say to myself, why bother posting if it will not earn me a 'star'. Curse you and your gold medal ways.

I often wonder if selecting the TAY pick for pictures is a tough decision that requires plenty of thought, or just a meenie, minie, moe affair.

Yeah, I do not think that Japan has a bountiful pumpkin supply. So for the rarity of the vegetable I would say yes. If only because you would be the only one on your street with a carved pumpkin. Totally worth it.