can't wait to try this out, but same here - i rarely, if ever, watch/use netflix through the computer. I wish I could make this go on roku :)
can't wait to try this out, but same here - i rarely, if ever, watch/use netflix through the computer. I wish I could make this go on roku :)
working at a summer camp kitchen years ago, i was asked to clean out some old tupperware the camp director dropped off from god-knows-where. budget was tight, so it made sense to try and reclaim anything we could. what I wasn't told was that the tupperware had been in the back of a truck in the sun for over a month....
half our drug prisoners are simple possession, a huge number are simply pot. we may not kill them for it, but we destroy their lives just the same. prohibition isn't keeping it off the streets, doesn't keep it from children, enables illegal dealers, jails a vast number of our citizens. All to make sure nobody smokes a…
along with the classic non-pology "to all the women who misconstrued"
even if solicited, just don't. if someone ABSOLUTELY must see your penis (congrats!) go over there and show it off. it'll be more fun if they can touch it, and there's zero risk of it being forwarded.
sadly, no. there's more than one of these people.
I've also had to throw out a roommate who had damn near set the kitchen on fire. my guy had simply passed out half-clothed on the couch while drunken-idea dinner filled the house with smoke. My dog woke me to an upstairs bedroom full of smoke. I flew downstairs, put out the (thankfully tiny) fire and proceeded to yell…
i think it's that for most famous creatives , it is their work.
looks like an 11th doctor episode.
"sticking them with your priest-dagger" yeah, might be too high a price
wow. worst i've ever had was a coworker telling me to check my address on a pedo-watchdog site. The previous tenant had been registered, then moved without updating so my house was still listed as the predator in the neighborhood. I had to make a few phone calls to finally get the address removed.
check out wimberley if you're in that area. very nice town, you can stay on the river.
yes, they do. midleton, county cork was a lovely town, neat tour of distillery. the bourbon trail in kentucky is good too.
"Admonish him!"
you're not paid like a server, unless your boss has managed to enact a system where he pays barely any of your labor and instead shunts that responsibility directly onto customers on a case-by-case judgement. you may be eventually fired for being unsociable in your job, but a having a bad day or mis-speaking to a…
my dad owns half the monogrammed coffee thermoses in manhattan!
also accepted: tending a BBQ/Smoker starting at dawn. Have a beer.
that percentage is probably higher if your show is set in a single-gender prison for women.