Monica M

Single parenthood really isn’t stigmatized for men, first of all. We demonize single mothers, but we treat single fathers like heroes.

When you can change how dangerous and uncomfortable pregnancy and childbirth can be, then we can begin to have a conversation about this. Until then, you don’t get to make my medical decisions for me.

“Doctor” Ablow is the worst garbage human pretending to be a doctor on this green earth, and this universe also contains a “doctor” Oz, so that’s really saying something. I’m incapable of directly wishing harm on anyone, but if he were to accidentally fall into an active volcano I wouldn’t exactly be clawing the

“Our Frozen Embryos Have a Right to Live”

Whoever approved that op-ed at NYT should be read the riot act. That isn’t journalism and it’s enabling a man-child and helping him publicly harass his ex. Shame on them.

It's complicated. When people tell me I'm pretty, I'm like 'Pff, I am average. Maybe even above average if I've had a good night's sleep. But I'm not all that, by a long shot'. And then sometimes I'll take a photo of myself and be all 'wtf photo, I am looking much cuter than that today! RECOGNISE MY CUTENESS'

good taste is not a democracy


Note to Representative Rhetoric: Planned Parenthood does not perform that type of procedure in South Dakota. Breast exams and pre-natal care and women's health services are not terrorism.

I loved them all, but I think I was mostly partial to Bridget because she has a master's degree and she was like, 32 when she was on the show. Not exactly stereotypical, that one.

What about milk in your alcohol?

Counterpoint: There is no better snack food than chocolate milk.

If someone is asking if the first time you have sex with them is the best they have ever had then they have some SERIOUS self-esteem issues. red flag!!! red flags everywhere!!

Whenever I hear somebody use female as a noun while referring to humans, it is an immediate sign to me that whatever is coming out of their mouth will be deeply rooted in misogyny. I have yet to be wrong.

Yeah I just usually say: Don't tell me what to do! Even if I am being completely unreasonable over unripe avocados. I hate it when some men automatically assume a woman is hysterical when her voice is slightly raised. Jesus.

The only calming down a woman does is the brief quiet before the storm that follows being told to calm down and precedes her verbally tearing someone to pieces.

Oh lord, I have seen this article all over my facebook news feed this week and IT. IS. NAUSEATING. I was hoping Jez would make fun of it. :)

because women aren't people, and potential babies might be boys and later men — who are people.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again.

I would be unnerved by a perfumed vagina. It does a great job on its own! No need to mess with that ecosystem!