Sorry, my comment wasn't meant to be contrary to yours, I just felt it was note-worthy. Like, a guy makes a section of the game addressing how difficult it could be as a girl gamer, and nobody cares. But a female makes any statement and they gets death threats. In not so many words I was agreeing with you. But I…
Can we just take notice on how, if this had been a game produced by a woman, everyone would be saying she slept with the journalist to get a good review? Which would lead to a crusade of death and rape threats. Just my observation.
Great game by the way, I really enjoyed it.
thanks, tell her she'll have to pay me for my awesome services, and give me your asshole too.
I'm mad I can't fuck your mother in the ass. Give me her number, we can change that.
do a better job trolling! your comments are pure faggotry so far.
I have to make it "novel length" and use great detail since it's evident your comprehension is somewhat low, as I've already stated.
Yes, we're all so mad that you used the word and not the fact that you're a douche-nozzle.
How retarded are you?! Can I ask you a personal question, what was your GPA at school? What are you not understanding in this conversation? How much more simple do I need to make it for you? I made sure to use words that even a Kindergartner could understand.
I'll try to make it a little more simple.
what txJM said, plus that besides the point, but good job side-stepping because you can't make a logical argument. As I said, take your gender "war" on women (as well as the BS stereotyping) elsewhere. If you can't comprehend my (simple to understand) point, then it's obvious why a person like yourself stoops to…
...Or, that you and 22 others were surfing the web at noon on a work day, and she had waited until the weekend to post.
yes except I'm a woman and I'm married, "nice try though," since your comment is giving off the impression that you assumed I was male. I thought my gender was pretty obvious considering I said "plenty of OTHER women."
the hell are you talking about, I use cunt all the time and so do plenty of other women, in fact I've never heard anyone complain about it. please take that bitter woman-hating elsewhere, since that seems to be what this is about.
"Is there a possibility your piss-poor attitude stems from the fact that you may be jealous that this person has more views than any video you may have uploaded in the past? In that case, life isn't about how many views you get on a video and doesn't dictate self-worth, which brings me to the assumption that you're…
First of all, you sound like you might be semi-retarded so let me try to break it down for you so you can understand this at a Kindergarten level.
How exactly would I record it? At E3? That's not possible since I live in Japan. On my PC? I honestly have no idea how to record anything on here, and don't care enough to…
Zelda's going to be more fun, I think. =)
Dear Nintendo, I see your open world, and raise you The Witcher 3
i think both of us are getting the "just shut up already" delete hammer :P pprobably for the best lol! (also you were spot on with the not getting laid thing.. im married so you kinda hit the nail on the head with that one!! HAHAHAHA!!!) either way once again my apologies for the unnecessary snark. go games!
Jason Schreier, please just dismiss this since I put this here before you posted the video, plus the lowest common denominators of the gaming community keep commenting (bitching) here. Thanks.