Excellent contribution sir.
Excellent contribution sir.
Of course that's what he meant. See my other posts on this thread to see why that's comparing apples to oranges.
Because last I checked, we didn't have an epidemic of unarmed cops getting blown away, strangled, etc. They are cops, they took the job to protect and serve. It's a dangerous job where they could get killed every day by some armed criminal. We rightly hail them as hero's for doing this. Them dying in the line of duty…
OK. But do you see my point on why the comparison would never be apples to apples? Cops are always armed, always pose a deadly threat to those they are facing off against. The choice for the criminal is killed or be killed when facing off with a cop.
And how many times was the cop unarmed?
See my other reply to you
Ah, I see what you're trying to do, show that the police are being just as terrorized and unjustly murdered by civilians as civilians are by the police.
Attacks on police officers? You mean like people randomly running up and attacking cops? Are you serious? LOL, that's like an abusive billionaire complaining that the staff was mean to HIM sometimes too you know...