
There are compelling arguments for less tax brackets. There are even some compelling arguments for no income tax.* There is no compelling argument for a flat tax structure. It’s an incredibly stupid idea.

You’re basically arguing for policies based on feelings and/or other immeasurable concepts, which is literally impossible. I’m not saying those things aren’t important on an individual basis or that we shouldn’t care about them, but how do you craft effective policy based on these concepts? Even quantifying quality of

You’re also a lot more likely to die before an ambulance shows up in a rural area. It’s also a lot easier for charitable/nonprofit organizations to operate within a population that is more densely distributing, which means that low income people in denser areas receive more assistance and access to community

Economic and resource policy are intrinsically linked to your top 2 priorities. And cities generally win out in both categories. :)

I don’t think economic or resource should be the main (or even top 5) metrics for public policy.

Full disclosure: I’m an Economist by profession. So yes, I absolutely do believe that cities are the way of the future for the majority of Americans. It’s not just more economically efficient, its more environmentally efficient as well. Rural/small town living is extremely resource-inefficient and we really shouldn’t

Ha! I’m kind of annoyed I’ve never had an entertaining SW flight attendant now. I did have two white, middle aged Texan SW attendants attempt to do a “it’s time to land” rap on a SW flight from DC to Chicago. No one on the (at least 2/3 black) flight clapped, which is hilarious in retrospect but was just deeply

  • Red-eye flights = reclining is fine.

These people need to be retrained and to move. Should the government help out substantially with both? Sure, I’m all for that!

“What you do is pointless and dead. We need to do something different. But I really have zero ideas what.”

Because let’s face it: They are (deliberately) oblivious of it.

You think you’re being super rational here, but you’re really not. Looking at it from a pure utilitarian aspect, your scenario isn’t at all comparable.

Just curious, where’d your partner grow up? Because I don’t think my (white) parents ever played this at home - mostly because they aren’t really into Christmas music - but I definitely heard it in public settings all.the.time around the holidays. However, I grew up in a fairly diverse area and we shopped on

You do realize that a place’s climate is not solely determined by latitude, right? Dublin, Ireland (53°21′N) has very different weather than Toronto, Canada (43°42′N).

Wrong. Time Warner Cable was sold to Charter Communications. The deal closed last May.

John Mulaney has a bit from his standup act back in ~2008-2009 that’s basically that joke.

My parents alternated dropping me at daycare growing up, and there were definitely a few times where one of them got half way to work before realizing that baby-me was still in the backseat and not at daycare. A 6:00 AM commute and a toddler can really fuck up your memory. 

It seems pretty obvious that his quote was suggesting Israel has a disproportionate influence on US international policy in that region compared with other countries. That assert would in fact be factually correct.

Here is a fairly solid article explaining why net neutrality is probably not likely to totally die under the Trump admin. It’s definitely possible that it may be weakened (which as the article pointed out, there are already ways for certain companies to get around it), but total deregulation would be pretty difficult.

I mean, the ADL just put out a statement about their bullshit “concerns” today. So, yes, the top news article results today on Google are going to mention that. My point was “smear campaign” makes it sound like the majority of Ellison’s mainstream coverage since he announced his desire to be DNC chair has been