I'm starting to see a definite pattern in iOS updates - every time I apply one, via iTunes or over-the-air, it comes back with Bluetooth turned on. No, bad phone!
I'm starting to see a definite pattern in iOS updates - every time I apply one, via iTunes or over-the-air, it comes back with Bluetooth turned on. No, bad phone!
I hope not.
Actually there was an article a month or 2 ago that showed the reality was way below the "Climate Models" these non-scientific method "Scientists" have been working with for the last several decades. Basically invalidating everything they have been saying for decades from their own faulty data.
That's the thing right...we really have no idea if this warming is just part of a natural pattern or not. I'm not saying we shouldn't regulate our emissions, we should. But some out there think there is all this evidence that PROVES we know we humans are causing this—the reality is we do not.
Exactly, you can't use small sample sizes. The Earth's climate fluctuates constantly. Soon enough we will be hearing about global cooling being the next crisis.
How can we decipher anything from a chart that shows 200 years of temperatures out of several billion years of existence. Even from a pure mathematical point of view the margin of error is way outside accepted norms.
Nope, it's sushi. See the rice?
Actually that's Nigiri, Sashimi is just the slice of fish by itself.
Come on guys... This isn't that "weird".
Yeah! Exciting! I will drift all of the old cars. ALL OF THEM!!!!
Holy crap! Renault 8 Gordini? Ueno Clinic F1? GT350 in Premium? '71 Nova SS? SOLD SOLD SOLD!
Wii U launched with 25 games, a few more on eShop and 100% Wii backwards compatibility which includes the entire Wiishop, meaning instant access to hundreds of games from past consoles. Much better than the PS4.
It's really weird how in discussions of history's monsters, everyone falls over themselves to mention Hitler but it takes a good ten or fifteen minutes for someone to mention Stalin's butchery.
The film? Yes.
Meanwhile, here's the sound of the Xbox One starting up.
You're my new friend
The butthurt is palpable.
Most of those could have been achieved without surgery simply by smiling.