Love it.
I’m not sorry.
Love it.
I’m not sorry.
60fps will not make a certain chocobo part any easier...
A, Seagate drives, so they will al fail within a month. Good.
I want an iPhone app for this
Only 27 years old. He aged ridiculously fast.
Why is poor Deadpool greyed out?
Shit, shit never changes
Early PSX games really don’t look that much better
I don’t get Corpse Run. Again...
It was horrible. Always felt bad for Americans with their ugly SNES consoles, ugly controllers and bulky weird ugly cartridges.
And yet, it is perfect.
Downloaded the Guilty Gear Xrd -Revelator- demo instead. More content.
It all looks horrible. Trailer was horrible. Casting is horrible. It's just stacked layers of horrible.
Yes please
Just wondering. A friend of mine couldn't see 3D on the 3DS, finally went to get his eyes checked after I urged him and now he knows why he has trouble cycling and catching stuff and can't really see 3D. Forgot what the condition was called though.
It is amazing how horrible this all looks. Can’t even find the words for it. I want to unsee this trailer.
Ah. Right. Yes. You must be tired of this.
Have you seen a doctor?