Should be possible via your Nintendo account later, can be done via QR code now.
Should be possible via your Nintendo account later, can be done via QR code now.
You can even use your Tomodachi Life QR codes.
They did. A long time ago. Just like Flower and flOw.
Nothing was on the disc. The characters are in the update files.
My wife’s reaction to this is that sometimes people just need a good beating. Weird coming from her. She is the least violent person I know.
Is all this shit just because of sexually frustrated little shit that were raised wrong, or not at all, or am I missing something here?
This sounds a lot better than the 3DS game.
I’ll fire up the PS3 versions, see if it works. BRB.
Is this whole article just sarcasm and I don’t get it?
Immersion at it again... They can go suck a Wiimote.
We didn't even have Erno in the Netherlands so screw you
Vita is dead. 3DS version maybe?
Vita is dead in the west
That has nothing to do with the PS3 architecture, at all. Nothing.
Or not, now white people are the minority. Oops.
Hair looks too long to me too.
AssAssin’s Creed still on the list, *shakes head*. Wow.
Most Nintendo games score between 8 and 10, is that not enough?
Look at this fanboy here, foaming at the mouth.
You don’t know anything about programming or webdesign do you?
Are you under the influence of one or more substances mentioned in the article? Lots of mistakes.