Some SLI thing. Nvidia 9300. So that’s a, 8200 and a 9400 combined or something.
Some SLI thing. Nvidia 9300. So that’s a, 8200 and a 9400 combined or something.
CPU probably, GPU no way
What was that weird game you could play that had new puzzles added and stuff in time? That was the coolest experience I had with Home. Xi! Xi was cool. And, I still don’t know why they added trophies last year...
Same here
Like what? I haven't bought a new PC in, nine or ten years so I have no idea what happened in the meantime.
My computer doesn't even allow me to play it...
She looks weak
My eyes are so bad that no matter where i am, I only see the moon and one or two stars at night.
They are shorter on the New 3DS, I played the demo on both systems.
Or daisychaining, can it do that?
Agreed. And if this is a standard for fifteen years or even ten, I'm fine with it.
Smaller USB sticks as well but fuck, it isn't going to be used in this generation of consoles, Apple needs to replace Lightning with it and they probably wont, long way to go. At least we are going somewhere.
Ugh, how did I go from star commenter to having my comments as pending approval.
I love Stargate: Universe!!! Help!
The uploader has not made this freaking video available in your country.
The only broken one I have is an Air... Don't dare open that one up.
I'm just guessing that this will not be available in Europe
It looks a lot worse than the SNES version, more like a NES version, but this is still quit a feat.
It's my least favourite DMC game. I don't even count it as a DMC game. The whole style, shitty gameplay, everything just didn't feel right in this game. The few times I died weren't even my fault, it was the game messing up. The only reason I completed it is my wife liked to watch it. And maybe the music was fun.
I can't use my 5S without a case
Calm down fanboy. They way it's being released is a nuisance, it isn't half as good as Killer Instinct is supposed to be, and there are a lot of fighting games that are objectively better.