Witcher 3 may be better with metal, but not that metal; ew.
Should have been Behemoth for that authentic Polish feel.
For as much as I dislike LoL, this is awesome news. McNeil’s 40K books are fantastic.
The DLC (really just HoW, you can ignore Dark Below) didn’t expand the scale of the game as much as fix the gameplay so it didn’t feel like such a punishment sometimes.
Sepp Blatter’s not looking for the cure
Sepp Blatter’s not concerned about the sick among the pure.
Sepp Blatter, let’s go dancing on the backs of the bruised.
Sepp Blatter’s not one to choose
We live in an era of historical fetishization—dudes wearing boots that look like they were stolen off a…
I like Brooklyn 99. All about Chelsea Peretti and Terry Crews.
I'm just glad he's wearing a Tactleneck.
The soundtrack should be all Rammstein and Client.
they say he did the kesel run in less than 10 parsecs
I love how they explored the idea that Abraham needed to believe him for his own survival. Their relationship is symbiotic.
I heard that in Craig Ferguson's sexy voice.
Given what I've seen of Lindsay's closets on her various reality television stints, I would ... not ... be interested in an app that made my closet like hers. At all.
I can create total squalor by myself.
Omg I'm dying. Thank you!