
If this wasn’t caught on camera, do we know that he wouldn’t have been charged?

I’m not sure I can get behind a FWD truck. It just doesn’t work for me.

The Tesla Fanboism is strong with this one. Sounds like he’s begging for some Elon ... “musk.

Why the hell should I be expected to pay for a service due to their lack of a secured network? Why should I pay more not to receive fraudulent calls?

Gross. A front wheel drive truck? 4x4 not even an option except for awd? Nope. I was momentarily interested.

Makes me reconsider my thoughts on using deadly force to protect property.

Oh look. It’s a car salesman. I trust his word. He thinks a hard pull on a credit report is appropriate when a simple DMV call and conference with be better. Silly to think that a car salesman would consider a reasonable solution instead.

No mention of Brian? That’s going to have some movie gymnastics explaining that one.

Oh yay! A dealership looking out to help the poor misinformed consumer from the evil manufacturer. Without a dealer, you would have to purchase the car from the manufacturer. Can’t have that. Oh no.

This isn’t going to go well for many. My mother for example can’t figure out two factor when the bank tried to force it on her.

It’s minivan David. Nobody wants one. Breath.

Sad. I don’t have writing for a college newspaper as the highlight of my professional career. Have a good one broseph.

Given your usage of the English language, I can see why you’re now formerly of the press. Toodles bro.

Nope. Just thinking you two are pathetic to point out some trivial component that wasn’t even in the story, just to nitpick a picture. It’s kind of pathetic, boy.

Surely you’re smart enough to figure it out the reference. Think about it: Hates the press, unusually aggressive to make up for his inadequacies, lost the election...

OK Donald.

STFU you pedantic git. Does nitpicking a story give you some sense of importance entirely devoid in your real life?

Did you not see who the author was? That should explain it all.

I have both PC and OSX systems. I use PC’s for work and I’ve found it to be a cluster and unbearably unstable. When I use my OSX system, I don’t have the instability. Curious.

Darn, but we cared so much about what you wanted!