
Someone explain this to me. I’ve done a lot of camping. I’ve lived in a van. I’ve toured and traveled and overlanded, at times paid for it.

I mean it’s a dead giveaway that there’s going to be incest between them (distracted during sex/lingering touching during the giving her the necklace)... and Smith is the male lead of the show.... paddy considine isn’t the lead, he’s gotta die for their to be a dance. Didn’t really give away the farm with anything I

Matt Smith nominally is the male lead of the show. He has many miles to go and nieces to bed before he sleeps.

Figure Matt Smith is a one season baddie much like Boardwalk Empire would do. Typical HBO stuff. 

Slight, but important correction: the maesters don’t give Viserys the choice between his wife or child’s life. The choice they give him is between his child and neither — there’s no option where Aemma lives any more.

In the first couple of episodes noone gave a shit about Robb, Jon or Daenerys but you just knew Arya was going to turn into a pocket badass and Tyrion was an absolute joy whereas his siblings were total pantomime villains - cartoonish but entertaining. The intro with the White Walkers and the sheer size of the Wall als

It’s been awhile since I saw Season One, but I thought that the whole “Baratheon black hair” thing was just the dominant genetic trait: Baratheon kids always have black hair and so Robert‘s blonde haired kids can’t actually be his offspring...not that black hair is “superior”.

(And weren’t most Targaryens born of incest

I’m not a fan of this series so all of the white hair looks very silly to me - like everyone is at a theme party in very obvious wigs. 

To Smith’s credit, he’s the only character that’s even remotely interesting, though.

I haven’t seen Matt Smith’s work, but facially, he seems miscast.

GRRM was like “They’re backstabby incestuous maniacs, but, like, boring.”

I’ma go out on a limb here and say that no one gave a shit about Robb, Arya or Daenerys when Game of Thrones premiered. Ned Stark getting beheaded was the moment we realized that shit just got real. Anyone watching got notice that things were not what they seemed.

It wasn’t a total disaster, so that’s a plus. The money is on the screen, and they are taking it seriously. But I’m not sure what to make of it just yet. House of the Dragon looks like GoT, and sounds like GoT, but doesn’t quite feel like GoT to me. It took half the episode before I could shake the sense I was

I mean, they are Targaryan. Kinda comes with the territory.

I just hope they don’t make it creepy between them.”

The premiere was fine/ok until this moment at the end. I audibly wondered why they would do this??!

You know, I had a similar thought about how virtually little has changed in society in the two hundred years between the two shows and wondered whether that stretched credulity.

“We kind of know how this shakes out” is the basic problem with prequels, but something GoT is better set up to avoid than most because it’s really about a place more than a single main character, and there are centuries of only thinly sketched history to explore, especially if you’re not bound by the books. Two

I feel like that cringey “song of ice and fire” bit may be the only time that prophecy is mentioned for the rest of the series. There’s really nothing they can do here to fix the fundamentally hollow plot device of the White Walkers. We know what their deal was, they were ice zombies, and they get completely