
Yeah, call me crazy but I actually really enjoyed the darts game. I am assuming it doesn’t pop up again at any point, but I’m holding out hope that it does. 

I haven’t even gotten to the point where Aerith has a name yet, but Jessie is my fave so far and I don’t think that’s changing.

Shhhh the Shinra soldiers are sleeping. You know how I know? Because I’m Batmaaan. I mean Cloud.

Yeah, I was right there with you. I didn’t know anything about Spawn, but I had several of the figures simply because they looked cool as hell. 

Bring a bag with you and keep your book and water bottle or whatever in the bag. If you have trash, continue to use the disgusting seat-back trash can as a trash can.

Eh. I mean, sure, I’d be happy to never fly coach ever again, but it’s not on the list of motivators for my life decisions. I can be uncomfortable for a couple hours every once in a while.

Yeah, I saw this pop up for the first time the other day. It seems to me like the step between Democratic Socialism and actual socialism. I don’t even really understand what it would be nationalizing - the online marketplace itself? That’s not really the important part of Amazon - people can get whatever they need

For a short while I got really into Elite: Dangerous. I’m thinking I might finally need to give this a try. 

I have thoroughly enjoyed all of the Mission Impossibles (even MI2 at the time because I was like 17 or something and it had John Woo and motorcycles and Limp Bizkit when people liked them for some reason).

This. If you take the Jedi out of Star Wars, you’re left with some really low-grade sci-fi at worst and Battlestar Galactica at best. The Jedi and the Force are the only defining characteristics that make Star Wars different.

He could have also just left those things hanging. He specifically chose to address ALL of J.J.’s original mysteries. Imagine if nobody discussed Rey’s past, if Snoke didn’t appear again or if he was required to for some reason, just have him pop up for 20 seconds to cheer on Kylo Ren. He didn’t need to address

The funny thing is that TLJ is rehash of a Empire Strikes Back in a lot of ways. He just screwed with the characters. I’d much rather he remained true to the characters and done something completely fresh with the plot. But oh well. Star Wars turned out to not be the exciting adventure series everyone wanted it to be

I agree with Johnson, but I don’t think he succeeded in what he’s talking about with TLJ. You can subvert fans’ expectations without subverting what an established character would do in a given situation. Good subversion comes from using established characters in new situations or familiar situations with unfamiliar

People keep complaining about this, but it’s not like this is the first game to use a real actor as the character. Quantum Break used the LOTR guy. Detroit used several real actors. Is it because he’s just slightly too famous that it pulls you out of it or what?

I am intrigued enough that I want to play this... It sounds like it’s really long and slow though — I don’t have time to sit through hours of cutscenes or just walk for a long time. I need games I can squeeze in for an hour at a time. Oh well.... Guess I’ll be going with Star Wars Jedi Whateveritscalled this holiday

Yeah, but DC is full of federal workers and if there’s one thing workers of any sector hate, it’s working under a boss who could furlough you on a whim or potentially close your entire workplace.

Yeah. I remembered it really fondly and then just watched it the other night while I was doing things around the house... It really doesn’t hold up.

And the key to it all: Bryce Harper. I’m guessing he’s still on the Nationals in that other timeline, ensuring that no matter what, he still doesn’t get to go to a World Series.

I don’t know why I read this. Pop culture has its own silos. I don’t know 95% of what Lady Gaga puts out. I often hear people talk about pop singers/bands like I should know them already and I’ve never heard of them. If you’re not interested in something, you’re not going to know much about it, no matter how popular

Dex had a pretty good year on the whole, and from what I saw, most fans were excited to see him perform.