
Friendly tip to anyone who buys that immersion blender: don’t use it in dishes or cookware you like. My wife tore the shit out of a brand new stainless steel pot thinking she could make soup without having to transfer to a different container first.

Friendly tip to anyone who buys that immersion blender: don’t use it in dishes or cookware you like. My wife tore

Is Psychonauts 1 playable on any modern consoles? I never did end up playing it but have wanted to/not gotten around to it for about eight years now.

Man-eating, not cannibal. At least I don’t think they eat each other.

I’m also skeptical that all the Storm Troopers he shot died. They had armor that surely was designed to prevent a fatality from something matching their own weaponry, right? I mean the ones that fell into the Sarlacc pit or blew up or something, sure....

There are a ton of games that will never be remastered. Think any of last gen’s Splinter Cell games are being remastered right now when Ubi is cranking out new products on a near-weekly basis?

So now that Halo is out.... Halo vs. Destiny TTK. What’s the “it” shooter right now?

It definitely helps that he doesn’t look like a normal person to start with, but yes, these are all incredibly looking.

It was my favorite Star Wars toy for a long while, so I never forget the A Wing.

The image might be hard to see, but the actual TIE fighter is the most ridiculous looking of all TIE fighters. The Interceptor looks badass and the bombers/trainers look like they have enough space to actually hold an engine.

I love both of those. The X-Wing and A-Wing have always been my favorites, but the B Wing looks the most futuristic, if nonsensical, and even though the Y-Wing is a bomber with literally no cargo space to hold bombs, it looks like it would be a beast to fly since it’s basically a cockpit strapped to two humongous

Thanks. I need one of those.

You probably make a lot of money, huh?

Those bastards... They’ve done it. By God, they’ve done it.

I’m definitely interested. I’ve been wanting a planetary exploration game that actually takes place outside of a spaceship. I might never play it since it’s PC only and my Macbook doesn’t handle any games very well, but maybe it will make it over to Xbox in some form.

I’ve been on the fence about whether to upgrade or not. I didn’t pay full price for Destiny the first time around, but I still feel like I’ve been screwed somehow by now being asked to pony up another (what is it, $40?) for the rest of the game.

The hey siri thing works on the 5s but I don’t remember if there’s a setting to use it without being plugged in.

I am a sad excuse for a human being who will still order nothing but a tube of toothpaste even though I live three blocks from a supermarket.

I am a sad excuse for a human being who will still order nothing but a tube of toothpaste even though I live three

Amazing timing. My membership is set to renew on Saturday.

Amazing timing. My membership is set to renew on Saturday.

Sigh. So if I already own the base game but none of the DLC, can I start playing again before buying all the new content? Or do I need to have the Taken King in order to play at all now?

Wow, this looks like an amazingly dumb business plan. Seriously, I can’t wait to not spend another cent on Assassin’s Creed until Ubi gets their shit together.