
I didn't get my copy in the mail until Nov. 1. I think I missed out.

Starting way back on PS2 there has been Katamari, Ico/Shadow of the Colossus/Last Guardian if it ever happens, Flower, Journey, Little Big Planet, Infamous, Uncharted, The Last of Us, Metal Gear 4... That's not even an exhaustive list and it probably already outnumbers the decent Xbox exclusives. How many times can

The fact that you can do this proves your statement is false. You can do so much, but the fact that there's no instruction of what to do makes you feel like there's nothing - it just takes some creativity. It's better than playing Halo or COD and just shooting people over and over again.

With the extra hundred bucks for Kinect and no real uses for it in the foreseeable future, I'll probably go Playstation this generation. Assuming they continue their track record for innovative first-party games, it's a simple choice for me, and one that has nothing to do with the technology.

Uh yeah. My bad on that and it's way too old to edit. I'm an asshole.

These are mostly just odd design/typography choices, with the exception of the weird numerals used (THI4F? Even with leet that's not how you spell thief. That's thiaf.)

No, but that's part of it. Raiden was incredibly annoying as a character, but beyond that, the Fox-Hound gang in that game was probably the least interesting/most absurd batch of bad guys out of any of the games. I also found it really obnoxious that you had to find the node in each section of the shell before your

I feel really bad that this game has been on an Amazon wishlist since 2010. Ive been interested but not interested enough to actually buy it. Who wants to sell me on finally picking it up?

I'm expecting about two hours. It'll be like a big DLC, just before the game instead of after. I expect it will be like playing the tanker section of MGS2 all by itself.

The villains were straight up ridiculous in just about every game. It was less obvious in MGS1, (Raven and Sniper Wolf were true badasses) but MGS2 was awful with the exception of the tanker chapter, and the villains in MGS3 were bonkers.

Wow. I only played ME3 once and never saw this. Eh, I never liked Tali that much anyway...

Little did she know she was ready to be left with a nuclear bomb. Taught her for shooting Wrex.

I can dig that. I will accept an option to investigate/stop thugs, but I hate when a game forces "events" on you. I'll admit Spider-Man 2 is a very dated reference, but it's the most egregious in my mind. Optional missions that don't impose on the game are great (Riddler rooms were some of my favorite parts of Arkham

Now playing

On the subject of emotional music in games, let's discuss Bastion. It was a fun game, but the music and art style are what made it great.

Ugh, random crimes are the worst thing to happen to video games. How many times can someone catch a lost balloon or stop a purse-snatcher? Just because something is "random" doesn't mean it makes the world feel any more real.

With potential back-to-back Arkham games in 2013 and 2014, I also have to wonder if WB wants the series to become annualized. WB Montreal began development on Arkham Origins around Arkham City's fall 2011 release, leaving a two-year development cycle. If WB wanted to target that same gap for WB Montreal's next title,

I kind of like "torch." It makes things feel so much more old-timey. It's like "torch" = light stick regardless of what the technology is that makes it work.

Wow, first the XBox One and now this. Is there nothing we can't get by bitching about it on the Internet??

Well that sounds like a pretty bland experience. And I'm planning on getting a PS4 if any new console at all.

I really disliked the Catwoman character design (thought her face was strange looking and overly made up and I kept wanting to tell her to zip up her damn costume) but I did really enjoy playing as her. Her moves were such a good complement to Batman's. It was a very welcome change of pace.