
but but but...how could you?

you are very very welcome.

Yeah. I suppose you are right. They aren’t very angelic in Supernatural. They kill lots of each other and plan for the destruction of humanity.

I have never watched Supernatural but, I guess, people are thinking in the romanticized version of an angel.

I’d rather be God from Supernatural his counterpoint was cool, but a little over the top/tacky. T-shirt, jeans and chucks, but that’s not exactly a trend. God is timeless.

I imagined the angels from Supernatural, tho. They’re all murderous and insane.

I rather have her dating anyone else other than the disgusting wilmer valderrama.

On Thursday afternoon, as I was walking out the door to go pick up my second grader from school, my 90 lb Irish wolfhound mix bolted out the door because he spotted a cat sitting in the street. He chased the cat into the backyard of the house across the street, and I was calling him back. The street right in front of

Truth! But... this write-up... kinda makes me want to watch it? And MST3K the shit out of it? When it comes out on cable, of course.

It’s not just you. They stopped showing up yesterday. I’ve been trying to give several authors notices. It hurts the comment sections by eliminating any new commenters.

Awe, thank you. He’s not the problem. Society is.

High school social worker here. Lockouts are considered neglect by Child Protective Services. Now that he is back home, I’m not sure that they will investigate (they are horribly overloaded with cases) but it might be worth making the call so that it is at least documented. It also would not be weird at all for you to

There is a young man in my neighborhood who we met through a friend of a friend when I needed help with weeding and maintaining my garden after I was in an accident. He was 14 and too young for a real job when he started coming over and putting the trash out, keeping the yard tidy, etc. He started coming over more

I have worried about him for years. Last year he missed eleven weeks of school because of depression.

Tell him that. Tell him how his parents were wrong and how he is strong for sticking to his beliefs. You are making a huge difference in his life, just by offering him safety and being a person who cares. Just having one adult who cares for you and can give you a safe space is hugely psychologically important.

I took in a few “kicked out” teens when my kids were younger. Giving him a safe, accepting place is the best thing you can do for him so good on you for that.

What do you say to these people when they ask you that? I’m definitely not a Christian, but in your position I would be so furious I don’t what I would say or do if someone asked me an equivalent question, as an extremely proud parent of a gay son who trusted me enough to come out to me when he was 12.

I have no words of comfort and little to offer but this. My husband and I are Christian. Our son is gay. Other so called Christians ask me how we can stand having a gay son. Very well, thank you. He’s a hell of a kid. Better than most of these faux Christians. I am proud as all get out for my son.

Just an update because a lot of you were super supportive last year when my daughter was having serious issues with her mental illness: school has started, she’s a freshman this year and she’s doing so damn well! She’s even in pep squad which has taken us all by surprise, but fuck it! She loves it so we figure it’s